Capítulo Nueve.

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The Ruthless Mafia: Capítulo Nueve

As I was running, I couldn't help but notice some things.

If this was his headquarters and the place he did all his interrogating and killing at, why weren't there any guards on the outside of his place? Probably because they're all on the inside.

And there was another thing too. Why would he have a ladder on all sides of the house, knowing people would try to climb those? Probably because it's a trap.

Coming up with these assumptions, I sought a new way into the attic. There were vines that connected to a tree and if I climbed the tree that was parallel to the attic window, I could easily just reach over with how close the tree was to the window. I wasn't taking any chance of climbing the ladder because it could be some kind of trap.

It was pitch black, and I blended in with the night. No one could see me, and for that I was happy.

When I reached the maple tree, I stopped for a second to catch my breath. Damn, that was a lot of running. I wasn't exactly the best runner and I have zero track trophies to prove that. When I was in control and breathing regularly, I began to climb the tree, careful not to step on any branches. I climbed the branches, one by one until I reached the branch that connected to the window and I squinted my eyes, so I could see what was inside.

As far as I could tell, it was an empty room, a room that I could take refuge in.

The window wasn't open no, so I had to climb across the tree branch and stabilize myself there so I could open the window without falling.


I froze in the midst of my actions as I heard a sharp noise from below me. I peered down to see a owl staring at me, probably judging what I was about to do, and I glared at it, causing it to fly away.

Damn, getting me all distracted and scared!

Anyway, let me continue my mission at hand.

I continued climbing across the branch until I reached the window. Once I reached the window, I tried pulling it up but it was locked so I pulled off the handles that held it locked and it lifted up with ease. I threw my bag inside the room and climbed in, closing the window that way there was no remains of break in.

Then, I was suddenly suspicious.

No alarm went off, and there was no men to come and kill me once they realized that the house was breached open. If you're someone like Ramone Vega, wouldn't you go to the extreme lengths to have security precautions? I know I would.

But that wasn't the case here. I was able to get in without any problems. I stood in one place for 10 minutes, waiting for someone to walk and shoot me with a gun or decapitate me, but none of those things happened.

I don't think he knows you're there by the way his men are continuing to stay downstairs. While we have no pinpoint on where Ramone is, we can't be too sure. So stay in the attic for a little while until I tell you to move. -Morgan

Where was Ramone? Shouldn't he be downstairs like the rest of his clan are?

"No!" I whispered harshly to myself. I'm not gonna think of anything negative while I'm here. All that matters is that I'm here and I'm going to kill Ramone Vega.

That thought alone would give anyone an erection.

I sighed and sat down on the floor, pulling out a small blanket from the bag that Morgan gave me and spread it out over my body, using the bag as a pillow and laid down.

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