Capítulo Veintidos.

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"Your heart has experienced too much pain. That's why you're afraid to do something you've never done."


The Ruthless Mafia: Capítulo Veintidos

They could at least feed me while I'm stuck in this bitch."

I groaned out loud as my stomach cried for it to be filled. I had to pee but I didn't have anywhere to do my business at. I was tired and in pain, but I wanted to be up and alert. I looked over at the markings on the wall and it let me know that's I've been here for a day and a half.

How does one survive without food or water for a day and a half? Remind me how I'm still alive and breathing.

During the night while I was lying awake staring aimlessly at nothing, a baby Labrador retriever tiptoed to the front of the cell and sat there, watching me. It's golden ears perked up to listen for any noise, but it just sat there staring at me like a creep.

His big brown eyes reminded me of Ramone, except the fact that this dog didn't look intimidating on the outside but when angered, he was fierce with rage. I wanted to know if he had any cameras on him or any implants that could be watching my every move because at first glance, he looked like a normal puppy.

Dogs are deceiving too in certain cases. I was not about to be fooled by his master cuteness.

I crawled over him, wincing when I put pressure on my shin. "Hi doggy, doggy." I cooed to him, putting a hand out to touch it's fur through the bars. "Grrr!" He barked at me and sunk his teeth into my hand. "Ow fuck, you dumb ass dog!" I whirled my hand back to me, sighing at the sight of blood and the intensity of the pain. "I was just trying to be nice to you. Evil bitch." I held my hand up to my chest and glared at the dog, who looked unaffected by my stare. I wiped the blood off on my shirt and licked the wound, hoping to cease some of the throbbing pain in it. 

"Ugh, Ramone where are you?" I fell to the ground, my muscles weak and no longer of use. "I could really use some of your rescuing." I shivered at the cold air wafted through the room. It was cold, dimly lit, smelly and I wanted to get out of it. I was scared, I had to admit. But I knew I would be safe once I was with Ramone again.

Ramone, where are you? I miss you like hell. I hope to God, you know I'm gone and are looking for me. What I would do to be by your side again.

I realized now, that I knew very little about what he did. I knew he killed people but I had no idea what he did when he was stuck behind his desk. I also knew very little about him. I mean, I know about his father and how feels about it, but I don't truly know Ramone. I don't know his birthday, what his likes and dislikes are, his favorite things to do, his pet peeves, all of that. I truly do want to know who he as a person.

From what I observed, he's a bad-ass mob boss and he can be very ruthless and demeaning when he wants and he can also be the biggest asshole that you've ever met but deep down under all that lock and a key is a heart that is need of love. He can be a sweetheart when he wants to be. When he laughs, his eyes crinkle up and his dimples are more emphasized. When he smiles which is ever so rarely, you can see that it's genuine. When he makes jokes through his sarcastic comments and then he laughs at himself because he know's he's funny. He's also caring in his own mean way.

That is the real Ramone Vega.

But he's the ruthless mafia boss of them all. He will not hesitate to slit throats and decapitate heads. He's also very rude and snarky, and his words can affect you even when you don't want them too. He also knows how to get inside of your head and make you admit things to him that you've never done before. He knows how to twist your words and make you regret trying to kill him. He's smart in situations, he's always prepared for the worst. That is the very characteristics of a mob boss. His appearance also sums it all up.

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