The Secret Sith

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This is the beginning of Part I: Sidious Revealed.

"For me, family always comes first; I would do anything to protect them." ~Mark Wahlberg


Anakin's POV

"You're under arrest...Chancellor..." Windu growled under his breath and he and Palpatine locked lightsabers.

"No! He must stand trial! It's not the Jedi way!" I shrieked before I stopped to catch my breath. Windu turned his head to look at me with a flustered look on his face. I knew I wasn't supposed to intervene, but I couldn't help it. I remember he gave me explicit directions to stay in the Council room until it was over. But I couldn't help myself.

"He's too dangerous to be kept alive!"

"NO!" I wasn't going to let Windu kill Palpatine. I haven't even learned the secrets of keeping my wife, Padme, alive, and Palpatine is the only one who can tell me those things.

"Why, Anakin?! He's dangerous!" Windu seemed to be losing his patience, so I held back my tongue before I could say something I was immediately going to regret.

"Help me, Anakin!" Palpatine begged. For a second, I was tempted to stab Windu with my lightsaber. I mean, he was threatening my friend, Palpatine! How could I let him get away with that?! I also could end it all by killing Palpatine right then and there. He was my friend, but I would be doing the galaxy a huge favor if I killed him. But if I did, I would be saying goodbye to the only hope of saving my pregnant wife from certain death.

Not knowing what to do, I just stood there as Windu and Palpatine kept dueling. Within minutes, the whole room was a mess. Sculptures had fallen from their place, the large window where Palpatine would oversee what was going on had been shattered into a million shards, and the carpet was falling apart at the seams due to the many lightsaber cuts it received throughout the duration of the fight. I wasn't even aware lightsaber duels could be this messy.

A great thud echoed throughout the room. I rushed outside, only to see Windu lying on his stomach on the floor below us through a large hole in the carpet surface. Palpatine was nowhere in sight.

"Windu, are you okay?" I asked.

"I think I broke a few bones." Windu answered.

"I'll go get help." I immediately rushed to find someone to get Windu to the hospital. Moments later, two senators were carrying a cot on either side with Windu lying on it.

"God, I am so sick of the Nerf herding Sith Lords messing with the Nerf herding Republic!" Windu grumbled under his breath.

"Me too, Master Windu. We all are." I managed to tell him before he was carried off. As I stood there, I had a gut feeling that I screwed up---big time. And that was not good---at all.


Author's Note: So...we just walked in on Mace Windu and Palpatine dueling. Pretty unexpected result, huh? Remember, this is an AU fanfic. So, what will happen now that Anakin has let Palpatine go scot free?


OMGOSH, this story has 1K views? I'm so honored. Thanks guys for checking out this story and hope you enjoy the rest of it. Be prepared for loads of secrecy, action, and suspense.

May the Force be with you!

Star Wars Episode IIIAU: Sith Rising (Star Wars AU Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now