One Step Closer

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Anakin's POV

"I don't understand why you even had to hold this meeting, Obi Wan." I complained. We were in a secret room in the bowels of the Jedi Temple.

"We gotta remind you of the prophecy of the Chosen One and the role you play in it." Obi Wan answered. I scowled.

"Not that fairy tale shit again!"

"Anakin, the prophecy isn't 'fairy tale shit', as you call it. It's a prophecy created by wise Jedi masters of long ago. It could still be fulfilled, you know."

"Begin this meeting, we will." Yoda announced with a loud voice. Silence took over.

"You're aware of the Prophecy of the Chosen One, right?" Windu asked.

"Isn't it that old prophecy where the Jedi foresaw the rise of a Jedi who will destroy the Sith and bring balance to the Force?" Organa asked.

"Yeah, that's the one. Do you know who it is?" Plo Koon queried.

"It's Anakin, right?" Petro asked, then he turned to me. "You're Anakin, right?"

"Yes." I facepalmed. "Why is this kid here?"

"Let him be." Windu said.

"Sorry, Anakin." Petro apologized.

"Now, according to a wise Jedi, Anakin is the supposed Chosen One, the One destined to destroy the Sith and bring balance to the Force." Plo said.

"That explains why you sent him on that mission." Ahsoka noted.

"Yeah. Some people dismiss the prophecy as a myth. But no, the prophecy can legitimately be fulfilled." Master Mundi stated.

"How so?" I contradicted.

"Well, Anakin. Your midi-chloran count is over 20,000. Some people believe that the Chosen One was conceived by the midi-chlorans. According to your mother, there wasn't a father. Am I correct?" Master Secura stated.


"Anakin, I also told you that you'd become a greater Jedi than I would ever hope to be sometime ago." Obi Wan interjected.

"I know, Obi Wan. That was a huge compliment. But I'm not sure if I'm really fit to be the Chosen One. I mean...look at me and the situations I've gotten myself into lately. I'm a mess!" I said.

"We are well aware of that, Anakin. But that doesn't matter. What matters is that you fulfill the prophecy by destroying Palpatine." Windu countered.

"Fulfill the prophecy? Why are you making me do this? Why can't Windu or Obi Wan or Yoda do it?"

"We're not making you do this, Anakin. The Force is making you because you're the only one who can." Plo said.

"What?" I couldn't believe my ears. I have to fight Palpatine all by myself? But...I can't! He's the only one who knows how to save those he loved from death. I've got to learn this power, or my friends will suffer!

"Hate to admit this, Anakin, but you're on your own." Obi Wan stated with a stolid look on his face.

"Thanks at lot."

"Adjourned, this meeting has been." Yoda announced. Everyone began filing out of the secret room. Obi Wan put a hand on my shoulder.

"Anakin, I know you've got doubts about this. You can do it." He whispered in my ear before leaving. As I stood alone in the empty room, I began to think about the age-old task set upon me...and whether I was worthy of being the Chosen One. If I am to take on this task, I know I must sacrifice something I've had for a long time.


Author's Note: Oh, so y'all know Anakin is the only one who can truly defeat the Sith. Now, here's a question I've been meaning to ask you. Who is your favorite character in the story so far, and why?

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