Proclamation of the New Order

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Author's Note: Ho ho ho! So we now know Anakin has submitted himself to Palpatine. Not only that, he has been forced to do horrific deeds in order to gain the power to save his friends from certain death. Ahsoka and Obi Wan, hoping to find answers to help their friend, instead get loads of questions. Why isn't Anakin questioning the tasks he's been ordered to do? Who are the traitors? What will happen to Anakin now that the Jedi know about his secret marriage to Padme? Tune in for Part IV of Sith Rising, and may the Force be with you.

This section begins Part IV: Dirty Little Secrets.

"It is my belief that the truth is generally preferable to lies" ~Albus Dumbledore, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire


Obi Wan's POV

"Anakin, I have failed." I admitted as I saw Anakin perched on something floating on the lava river of Mordor.

"How could I have been so blind to the fact that the Jedi were planning to take over?!" Anakin shrieked, his creepy, yellow Sith eyes glowering at me.

"Anakin, listen to me! Palpatine is evil! You know that!"

"The Jedi are evil!"

"YOU'RE CRAZY, ANAKIN! DON'T YOU REALIZE HOW MUCH PAIN AND SUFFERING YOU WILL BRING TO THE GALAXY?!" I screamed so loud that my vocal chords started to hurt.

"Obi Wan! Obi Wan!" A voice called out to me.

"Make it. Stop. Make it. Stop." I muttered to myself.

"Obi Wan!" I felt someone gently shaking me.

"ANAKIN!" I shouted as I opened my eyes. Instead of the smoky landscape of Mordor, I saw Ahsoka, who was staring at me with concern written all over her face. I took a few moments to observe my surroundings. No smoke here. Only items you would find in a typical bedroom.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

"Um, yeah. I just had another nightmare."

"What happened this time?"

"Anakin and I were dueling on Mordor. And he was saying that the Jedi were evil."

"Don't you mean Mustafar?"

"Uh, yeah." I saw Clay running towards us with fear visible on his face.

"Obi Wan! Ahsoka! You have got to hear this!" He shouted before stopping to catch his breath.

"Is it about Palpatine?" Ahsoka asked.

"Y-Yes! No questions! Just come with me!" Clay led us to the Senate Chamber.


"I have a bad feeling about this." I said under my breath as we joined Plo Koon, Windu, and Bail Organa. The Senate Chamber was full of Senators familiar and unknown, anticipating what their leader had to say. Palpatine called for silence and prepared to speak.

"These Jedi murderers have made a pathetic attempt on my life. Luckily, I have escaped their wrath, but it has left me scarred and deformed. The Jedi stand for peace, but during the Clone War, they have become ruthless murderers. Ruffians. And now they stand for obstruction of justice. Therefore, they must be obliterated!" Palpatine announced. Ahsoka gasped.

"What's wrong, Ahsoka?" Windu asked, but Ahsoka wouldn't respond. With a trembling hand, she pointed at a figure with shaggy, brown hair.

"You do the honors, Anakin." Palpatine gestured for Anakin to speak. I watched in horror as Anakin prepared to have the floor.

"In order to maintain a peaceful society, the Galactic Republic has been restructured into the first ever Galactic Empire." Anakin exclaimed. Cheers and applause erupted everywhere in the Senate Chamber.

"So people are applauding for the fall of democracy and the rise of dictatorship." Plo noted with a rather pessimistic tone in his voice.

"We all know what this means, guys." Organa said, his eyes full of despair. He turned to look at me, and I immediately understood what he meant.

The above song is One Step Closer by Linkin Park. This song fits with Anakin's internal conflict in both Revenge of the Sith and this AU story, but I feel this is the right time to drop this song in. Plus, it foreshadows what Anakin has at stake in the final showdown of this mess.


Yipee!!! One year since Sith Rising has been completed! I'm so happy people are still enjoying this masterpiece of mine after a whole year of not working on it. Stay tuned for more details! Oh, and did I menion Sith Rising will be getting a sequel?

Star Wars Episode IIIAU: Sith Rising (Star Wars AU Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now