Palpatine's Plan A

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Anakin's POV

"Hey...long time no see..." My friend, Mia Mircada said as she slowly approached us. She looked quite different than before. Her hair was still in its signature twin blue braids pushed back by her goggles that were perched on her head, but she was all clad in navy blue and black. Underneath her boyish blue leather jacket, she wore a skintight black crop top. On her legs, she wore baggy blue pants and black boots.

"You've...really grown up. How are you?" I smiled awkwardly.

"I'm doing great."

"What are you doing here?" Will piped up. His hair had returned to its normal, messy state.

"That's a good question...for another time. Right now, we should be concerned with Obi Wan. Turns out he was knocked out cold." Mia turned to look at Obi Wan. He was lying peacefully on the bed.

"He drank too much last night." I corrected her. Suddenly, Obi Wan screamed and sat up on the bed.

"Oh. It's you guys. Man, I had such an awful nightmare." He heaved a sigh.

"What happened in your dream?" Ahsoka asked.

"Well, in my dream, I was standing over Anakin, who was a charred limbless body on Mordor."

"Mordor? Like from Lord of the Rings?" I asked.

"Go on." Yoda said.

"And I was screaming at him. But all Anakin would say was that he hated me."


"I...I don't remember anything else."

"You're gonna be okay, Obi Wan. I promise." I reassured him, but Obi Wan shook his head.

"With all the Palpatine drama going on...I have a really bad feeling that he will do something...horrific."

"To dwell on dreams, good, it is not." Yoda advised.

"How did he get knocked out?" Ahsoka asked.

"He drank too much, which rarely ever happens. There must've been some weird ingredient in the beer." I answered.


"Obi Wan, what do you think Palpatine will do?"

"Crimes against humanity." Obi Wan replied.

"What crimes against humanity?" Will inquired.

"If he really is a Sith Lord, then he'd want every Jedi wiped out of the galaxy." Ahsoka replied.

"Plausible. Question is, how do we prevent it?" Mia asked.

"These might do the trick." I pulled out the silk bag containing the chips. Curious, Mia took the bag and emptied it.

"These are just chips." She said with a raised eyebrow.

"They probably contain something vital to Palpatine's plan."

"Why didn't you check them out?"

"They've got a very strong security system. Someone with your brains should be able to beat it."

"But you're good in mechanics!"

"Why don't you stop talking and check the damn chips, Hermione?!" I ordered. Mia began working on screwing up the security system so that she can access what was hidden in the chips. After a while, she succeeded, and one of the chips then displayed footage of Palpatine talking with Jar Jar Binks.

"What is he saying?" Obi Wan asked.

"I dunno, he talks like this all the time." I shrugged.

"Great. Just what we needed." Mia moaned.

"Does he have giant lips?" Will asked.

"Fine time to be asking that!" I shrieked. Soon, Mia turned off the video.

"...All I heard was 'Anakin', 'murder', 'Jedi', 'traitor', and other stuff." She said.

"What business does he want with me?" I wondered aloud. There's gotta be a reason why he wants me involved. Maybe it's because I'm very powerful in the Force.

"He's obviously up to something. Anakin, you're going to have to spy on Palpatine. You never know when he's going to strike. Now, if you'll excuse me, I must let Mace Windu know about this." Obi Wan and Yoda got up and left the room. Right after, my beeper buzzed. I checked the message.

"Dammit!" I shouted under my breath.

"What?" Will asked.

"It's Padme. She's in labor."

"Whoa, Anakin, relax! We can look after Padme and the kids when you go on your mission." Mia smiled at me.

"Would you? Could you?"

"Oh, yeah. I'm really good with kids."

"I like kids." Will interjected.

"Well, thank you." I faked a grin. "I...seriously...gotta go." I left in a hurry, but not before I gathered up all the audio chips and put them back in the silk bag.


Author's Note: I could not resist including my OCs in this. First, we meet Will and now, Mia. Keep an eye out for them, they're important to the story. And may the Force be with you!

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