Resurgence of an Ally

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Obi Wan's POV

"Not again." I growled. I saw myself surrounded by clone troopers. They shot me until I dropped dead...

I woke to the sound of gunshots outside. I opened my eyes and observed my surroundings. I was in the hospital wing. Ahsoka was still lying unconscious on the bed.

"What's going on?" I demanded as Dean came in.

"Master K-Kenobi, you w-were seriously injured on Ilum. Y-Y-You s-should b-be r-resting." Dean stated. Despite his warnings, I shuffled out of bed.

"I'm going to see what's going on out there." I said before reporting outside.


"These assholes again?!" I heard Anakin growl once I got outside. A legion of red Mandos were heading our way, shooting everything in sight.

"Let me handle this!" I shouted.

"What the hell, what is up with these guys?! They're like the KGB!" Anakin ignited his lightsaber as Clay joined him, along with a bunch of other Jedi.

"You've seen them before, Master Skywalker?" Master Mundi asked.

"Yeah. I swear, they're stalking us."

"I've seen these guys countless times before." I said as I activated my lightsaber, along with the other Jedi. Clay readied his gun.

"Incoming!" Master Aayla Secura shrieked as the red Mandos began shooting us. We deflected the blaster fire with our lightsabers. This was a technique we have perfected, due to being in countless battle with Count Dooku and his crappy Separatist droids.

"Hey, it's that bearded guy from Alderaan!" the captain shouted. A fury of blaster fire came zooming my way. Luckily, I Force jumped out of the way and landed on top of the Jedi Temple. Soon, another legion of red Mandos appeared, this time with a leader. The leader was cloaked in black from head to toe and had a mask covering his face.

"Shoot them!" the leader commanded. I deflected the blaster fire with my lightsaber. I hastily looked for a path to go, but all of them were blocked by red Mandos.

Without thinking much, I leapt down from the top and stabbed 17 armed Mandos in the chest with my lightsaber. More groups of Mandos came dashing my way while releasing a hurricane of blaster fire. Like a cat, I slinked past bullets of blaster fire and found myself in front of Anakin.

"There's too many of them! What are we gonna do?!" He cried.

"Keep close to me!" I answered. Within seconds, we were surrounded by red Mandos. They began closing in on us.

"Incoming!" A voice shouted from above. Ahsoka was rocketing faster than a roller coaster to the ground, her lightsaber ready to strike. The moment she hit the ground, she slayed one half of a legion of Mandos.

"Nice one, Snips!" Anakin complimented.

"I just saved your skin for the 900th time, Skyguy." Ahsoka chuckled.

"Look! There's more!" I pointed ahead. Anakin and Ahsoka stared at where I was pointing in horror.

"What the?! How many Mandos has their leader sent already?" Ahsoka asked in shock.

"Hey, Snips. Don't sweat it. We've killed about a million of Dooku's crappy Separatist droids."

"I have to agree. They are really crappy." I added just as the Mandalorian reinforcements appeared. They were marching in an orderly fashion while shooting.

"Just like Nazi Germany." Anakin noted.

"Jump to the right!" I warned as the Mandos began shooting the ground we were standing on. Smoke and debris blocked our sight of a few seconds. When the smoke cleared out, there was a giant hole in the ground.

"Run!" Ahsoka cried. With Anakin taking the lead, the three of us ran, dodging blaster fire and deflecting it with our lightsabers in the process. Due to the amount of blaster fire making contact with the ground, little holes began to appear where the Mandos shot. Soon, our dash turned into something one would see in a Mario game.

"You ain't goin' anywhere." One Mando sneered when we met up with his gang.

"Um...this way!" Anakin made a sharp right turn, but was met up with more red Mandos. We found ourselves surrounded by Mandos yet again.

"There's nowhere to run, petty Jedi. Might as well surrender." Another Mando snickered. A beeping sound resonated out in the open. A few seconds later, something exploded.

"Get down!" I commanded as I Force jumped. Anakin and Ahsoka followed suit as more explosions occurred. The last explosion was the loudest by far. It sounded like ten thunderstorms occurring at once. What came next was silence.

"What just happened?" Ahsoka asked as we observed our surroundings. The red Mandos were gone. A hooded figure came to meet us.

"Who are you?" Anakin queried as he brandished his lightsaber at the figure, expecting for the figure to attack. Instead, the figure took off the hood and revealed itself to us. Anakin's mouth dropped, Ahsoka gasped, and I immediately knew who it was.


Author's Note: you notice how Obi Wan keeps having these nightmares? What do you think it means? And who do you think saved Obi Wan, Anakin, and Ahsoka?

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