Kihara's Connection

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"Kihara, can I ask you something?" I asked the next morning as we were preparing to leave.


"How did you get those chips in that silk bag?"

" friend entrusted them to me when she came here."

"And why?"

"Because she believes that I will take good care of them. But I was so careless. How could a girl like me let something valuable just fall into the wrong hands?" Kihara buried her face in her hands.

"Relax, Kihara. We'll get them back. But first, we gotta go to Alderaan for some Senate business." I said as I rolled up my sleeping bag.

"Hey, look, Will's coming back!" Mia called. Sure enough, Will was approaching us with two large tanks of fuel.

"I got the fuel. Now we can leave and go to Alderaan." Will gestured for us to follow him. We then went back to the Mircada homestead, where Will refueled his ship. Before we knew it, we took off from Tatooine and began our journey to Alderaan.


"So, who's this Bail Organa you speak of?" Kihara asked while Will was piloting his ship.

"He's a Senator on the Galactic Senate. He represents the peaceful planet of Alderaan and he's very trustworthy." I said.

"I see."

"So, what are we exactly going to do in Alderaan?" Will asked.

"Well...Senator Organa has been doing some top secret stuff on Alderaan for quite some time. Maybe if we go see him, he'd be able to tell us what he knows about Palpatine." I replied just as a beeping sound resonated throughout the ship.

"That's for me." Kihara pressed some buttons as a hologram of Ahsoka Tano appeared.

"Ahsoka's the friend you were referring to a while ago?"


"Kihara? I heard you were involved in some ambush on Tatooine a few days ago. Are you okay?" Ahsoka questioned.

"Oh, yeah, I'm fine."

"And the audio chips?"

"Um...about see, I got...mugged by these two Mandalorians in red armor. They got the chips." Kihara began to sweat.

"They did?! Ugh...listen, we've gotta get those chips back before it gets worse. And why are you on a ship?"

"I'm with Padme Amidala and her two friends...see?" Kihara gestured to us as we waved awkwardly. Ahsoka's facial expression softened.

"Oh, hey, guys! How's it going?" She said.

"We're doing fine, Ahsoka. We ran into Kihara when we visited Jabba's palace, and we set her free. Now we're headed to Alderaan to see if Senator Organa could tell us some information about Palpatine's intentions." Will explained.

"And I hope Master Ani's irresponsible friend doesn't screw things up!" C3PO chimed in. He was holding the babies in his arms. I giggled a bit.

"Shut up, 3PO!" Mia scolded.

"So where are you? What are you doing?" I asked. Suddenly, the hologram of Ahsoka became staticky and disappeared.

"Must be the crappy signal." Will shrugged. I groaned.

"What's up, Padme?" Mia asked.

"Ugh! I forgot to ask about Anakin! I hope he's okay!" I sighed.

"We'll ask Ahsoka about that when we get a better signal." Will responded. Silence filled the room as Will prepared to make the jump to hyperspace. The events on Tatooine prompted many questions in my mind. How do Kihara and Ahsoka know each other? What secrets do the audio chips contain? And most of all...why does Kihara want to help us so badly? I thought deeply about those thoughts as Will guided his ship to Alderaan...

The above song is Stereo Love by Edward Maya and Vika Jigulina. I believe this song suits Anakin and Padme's relationship as a whole, and especially in this story. Try and give this song a listen, and you will get a vibe as to what is coming for Anakin Skywalker...

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