Bail Organa's Secret Conference

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Author's Note: So...we've already met Kihara, a former slave of Jabba the Hutt. And we know she's friends with Ahsoka. But the question is...why does she want to help Padme and company so badly? Keep an eye out for her, folks! This is where the fun begins!

This section begins Part III: Seeds of the Dark Side.

"What is truth today may be a damn lie next week." ~Lenny Bruce


Ahsoka's POV

"Senator Organa, can I make a call to someone?" I asked as Organa began preparing for his secret conference.

"Of course you can, Ahsoka. Just don't mess anything up." Organa nodded before he left the room. I then prepared to call my good friend, Kihara Mekugna. A few seconds later, a hologram of Kihara appeared.

"Ahsoka's the friend you were referring to a while ago?" I heard Padme ask.

"Yep." Kihara confirmed.

"Kihara? I heard you were involved in some ambush on Tatooine a few days ago. Are you okay?" I questioned.

"Oh, yeah, I'm fine."

"And the audio chips?"

"Um...about see, I got...mugged by these two Mandalorians in red armor. They got the chips." Kihara began to sweat.

"They did?! Ugh...listen, we've gotta get those chips back before it gets worse. And why are you on a ship?" Inside, I began to imagine what these 'red Mandalorians' Kihara mentioned were going to do to the audio chips.

"I'm with Padme Amidala and her two friends...see?" Kihara gestured to Padme, Mia, and Will, who was driving the ship. My facial expression softened when they waved to me.

"Oh, hey, guys! How's it going?" I asked.

"We're doing fine, Ahsoka. We ran into Kihara when we visited Jabba's palace, and we set her free. Now we're headed to Alderaan to see if Senator Organa could tell us some information about Palpatine's intentions." Will explained.

"And I hope Master Ani's irresponsible friend doesn't screw things up!" C3PO chimed in. He was holding two babies, whom I believed to be Anakin's children, in his arms.

"Shut up, 3PO!" Mia scolded.

"So where are you? What are you doing?" Padme asked. Suddenly, the holograms of Padme, Mia, Will, and Kihara became staticky and disappeared.

"What the hell?" I asked myself as I tried to call Kihara several times before I gave up. I walked into a plain conference room with simple blue walls and matching carpet that felt as soft as a sheep's fur. There was a large mahogany table in the shape of a semi-circle. Many people were already seated when I came in. Just as I sat down, Bail Organa started his secret conference.

"We will now begin our secret conference and with this conference, we hope to obtain information vital to getting Palpatine out of office." Organa announced with a stern voice.

"Impeach him? But he's dangerous. If he's a Sith Lord, he could perform atrocities even if he were out of office." cried one Senator. There were so many senators in the Galactic Senate, it was impossible for most people to even remember their names.

"He's not just any Sith Lord. He's the master of the late Count Dooku, the former leader of the Separatist Alliance." Organa countered.

"Count Dooku died?" I asked. Every eye was on me. I felt stupid for not checking the news.

"Why, yes, Ahsoka. Not too long ago, Dooku was decapitated by Master Skywalker while he and Kenobi were going to rescue the Chancellor."

"It was all over the HoloNet shortly after it happened." Obi Wan, who was sitting next to me, whispered in my ear.

"I must've been on Tatooine when it happened." I shrugged. "Stupid Tatooine signals." I turned to face Organa. "So what should we do? He almost killed Master Windu that night in the Chancellor's office. I heard Windu almost fell out a window."

"He used Force lightning on Windu. Force lightning could do horrible things. It could disfigure you, like it did with Palpatine himself, or your skeletal system could show through your skin, as it did with Windu." Plo Koon chimed in.

"Look so good, he does not. Resemble Voldemort, he does." Yoda noted.

"But he has a nose." I corrected. "So Force lightning can disfigure you?"

"Yes, Ahsoka. Anakin said that Palpatine's skin got all ugly and wrinkly." Obi Wan reminded me.


"Of course I'm sure! Palpatine knows the ways of the Dark Side of the Force, owns a red lightsaber, and can use Force lightning! And by the way, his skin got all pale and wrinkly." I recalled Anakin saying.

"What do we do?" I asked.

"That's simple. Put Palpatine on trial and expose him as a traitor to the Republic. That way, most people would believe us when we say that he's way too dangerous to be kept alive!"


"Oh...right..." I said right after replaying that conversation Anakin, Obi Wan, Yoda, and I had the day after the incident in the Chancellor's office. Ugh, I should've asked Anakin what exactly happened that one night, or I wouldn't be so oblivious!

Suddenly, someone started violently banging the locked door. It took that someone several tries before the door burst open. I gasped when I saw who it was.

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