Dear Diary

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Ahsoka's POV

"What happened to Master Skywalker? Is he dead?" Petro asked.

"No, he's just asleep." Obi Wan answered. We were on Bail Organa's emergency ship that was bound for Coruscant. Anakin was lying unconscious on a makeshift bed.

"I still don't get why he was with Palpatine. I mean, the two of them are friends, right?" I said as I was wrapping Petro's wounds with bandages.

"That's what I heard." Petro answered. "But Palpatine is a secret Sith Lord. Surely, Anakin would know that."

"He should know better." I retorted. Sure, Anakin and Palpatine had known each other for quite some time. Maybe Anakin finds Palpatine irresistible.

"Yeah, it's a disturbing thought." Obi Wan said as Bail Organa appeared.

"I heard you were involved in some animal fight, are you guys okay?" Senator Organa asked.

"Yeah, we're fine." I answered.

"What about him?" Organa took a moment to note Anakin's appearance. His Jedi clothes were wrinkled from head to toe, and his hair was matted in sweat. On the nightstand next to him, there was a black book titled Dear Diary. When no one was looking, I slipped the book under my cloak. Suddenly, he started coughing and sat up in bed.

"What happened? Where am I?" He moaned while holding his head in pain.

"You're on my emergency ship bound for Coruscant." Organa answered.


"Anakin, are you okay?" Obi Wan asked.

"Ugh! I'm fine!" Anakin groaned.

"Anakin? Why were you with Palpatine on Geonosis earlier?" I asked.

"That's none of your business!"

"Well, we all are well aware that Palpatine is a dangerous Sith Lord! If you know that, then why are you going back?" Obi Wan demanded.

"Shut the hell up!"

"Is he always like this?" Organa asked.

"No." I awkwardly answered. "You don't wanna see Anakin when he's angry. C'mon, let's go somewhere else. You too, Petro." Soon, Organa, Petro, and I were in a quiet room on the opposite side of the ship.

"I found this on Anakin's nightstand." I said as I pulled the book out of my cloak.

"Master Skywalker had a diary?" Petro asked.

"Yep. So do other people, you know."

"But isn't reading his personal diary invading his privacy?" Organa asked.

"Yeah, but if I read it, I might be able to get inside his head." I said as I opened the book to a random page.

It went like this:

Dear Diary,

I've been having disturbing dreams lately. I keep having dreams of my friends being tortured. They were calling out to me. Even while I'm awake, I can still hear their distressed cries. Problem is, my friends are alive and well in reality. So why are they in pain in my dreams? I must have the power to save them from excruciating pain. I bet Palpatine knows something about this.

Signed, Anakin Skywalker

"Anakin's been having nightmares?" I asked myself. I flipped through the book. There were no new entries.

"Check one of the previous entries." Organa suggested.

"Good idea." I flipped to another random page, this time, containing an older diary entry.

Dear Diary,

These past few days, I've been having visions of Padme dying in childbirth. I told Padme about this, but she assures me that she won't die. Despite this, I couldn't get the visions out of my head, so I asked Palpatine for help. He claims that he can help me.

Last night, I went to see him during an opera. There, he told me the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise. According to legend, Plagueis was so powerful that he could manipulate midi-chlorans into creating life and saving others from dying. He also taught Palpatine, his apprentice, everything that he knew, and one night, Palpatine killed him in his sleep. Palpatine says he can teach me this power. I must save Padme from certain death.

"That's it!" I slammed the book shut and put it back in my cloak.

"What?" Organa asked.

"Palpatine told Anakin that he could save his loved ones from dying! That's why he's with Palpatine!"

"Really?" Petro interjected.

"Yeah, but the question do we get him to realize that Palpatine's evil?" I said.


Author's Note: Dear Diary, I wish Chancellor Palpatine would die. But...I promised myself that I would make this a long fanfic with a satisfying ending. This is FAR from over for Anakin, Ahsoka, and their friends.

Signed, Mia Mircada.

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