How to Save a Padawan

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Ahsoka's POV

"Y-Y-Your E-Excellency...h-how can I gain the power to save my friends from certain d-death?" Anakin's voice trembled.

"Help me execute this rash Padawan. I spotted him looking through my stuff in my secret lair. I fear he has discovered my secret plans, and he must be terminated as soon as possible." Palpatine responded.

"Y-Yes." Anakin sat down in the passenger's seat as Palpatine began piloting the ship. For a few moments, I observed him. His face was caked in sweat and his body was trembling.

"Why is he here?" I asked Obi Wan.

"I don't know, but what we should be focusing on is finding out how to save this 'rash Padawan'." Obi Wan replied. The rest of the flight was spent in silence. Why is Anakin here? There can only be one reason.

It was only while the ship was about to land on Geonosis when Anakin said, "Ugh, we're back."

"Yes, Anakin. Yes, we are." Palpatine confirmed his statement.

"Ah, Geonosis. I have fond memories of this planet." Obi Wan said with a rather gloomy tone in his voice.

"Why, what happened?" I asked.

"Padme, Anakin, and I were sentenced to death and escaped."



"Anakin, prepare for the execution." Palpatine ordered.

"Y-Yes." Anakin followed Palpatine out of the ship. Once they left, Obi Wan and I emerged from our hiding spot and followed Palpatine to the Petranaki arena, but not before putting on long cloaks to disguise ourselves.


"I have a bad feeling about this." I whispered to Obi Wan as we got seats on the balcony.

"We need to get on that balcony and get Anakin out of this rotten place." Obi Wan pointed to the balcony where Archduke Poggle the Lesser was overseeing the arena.

"What about the Padawan?"

"We can convince Anakin to stop this madness. I don't know what's up with him."

"The execution shall now begin." Poggle the Lesser announced. Suddenly, a red creature that looked like a triceratops emerged. Obi Wan grabbed my arm and together, we set off for the main balcony. We were stopped by Geonosian guards who blocked the pathway to the balcony.

"You shall not pass!" They warned.

"I shall pass." Obi Wan made the 'O.K.' sign.

"You shall pass." The guards stepped aside so we could pass. The passage to the main balcony was literally just miles and miles of nothingness except for a few beer bottles. By the time we reached it, the Padawan put on execution was bathed in blood. The Padawan was Petro, one of the six younglings I had taken to the sacred planet Ilum to take part in an ancient Jedi ritual. He looked very different than before. His black hair was trimmed and a long braid was dangling from the bottom of his head. Obi Wan covered my mouth before I could scream.

"I'll be back." He said. Before I could say anything, he disappeared. I joined Poggle the Lesser and his comrades on the balcony. The execution droned on.

"I never knew executions could be this gory." I said to myself.

"Hey! Who wants beer?" Obi Wan called. He was holding the bottles of beer from earlier. Everybody turned to look at him.

"Is that a dementor?" I heard Anakin ask.

"Hell no! This isn't a book, dumbass!" Someone harshly contradicted. Everyone but me rushed towards Obi Wan and each grabbed a bottle of beer. Soon, they collapsed on the ground.

"What...just happened?" I asked.

"They won't be bugging us for a while." Obi Wan smiled.

"How...?" I saw Obi Wan pull out an empty beer bottle.

"I drank one of these myself and passed out." Obi Wan knelt down and picked up a half empty bottle. It was fizzing at the surface. "There's an ingredient in here that makes people pass out if they drink enough of the substance." Before I could applaud his cleverness, I heard Petro shriek.

"I gotta go!" I threw off my cloak, Force jumped, and landed on the red creature.

"AHSOKA!" Obi Wan screamed. I latched myself onto the creature and hung on for dear life. Many people gasped and interjected.

"What the heck?!"

"Somebody get that girl outta there!"

"She's ruining the fun for us!"

"It's Ahsoka Tano!"

"That's Ahsoka?! I knew she would come around!"

I slowly made my way up the beast's rough back, occasionally losing my grip here and there. After what seemed like an eternity, I reached the beast's head and stabbed him right between the eyes with my lightsaber. Suddenly, the beast rudely shoved me off its back. I landed hard on my back. It ached real bad.

"Ahsoka!" Petro cried. "Can't believe you're here."

"Me either." I grabbed a long sharp shard that fell off from the column that Petro was chained.

"What's she gonna do with that?!"

"That's just a useless stick!"

"Be careful, Ahsoka!" Petro shouted as I pointed the stick at the red beast.

"Back! Back!" I ordered the beast. Instead, the beast swung its arm at me and sliced the stick in half. Right after, I threw the other half of the stick at its face. It hit bullseye. The beast winced in pain.

"That should do it!" Obi Wan yelled. Immediately, the beast proceeded to stomp on me. I Force pulled my lightsaber towards me and stabbed the beast in the foot with it. The beast roared in anger and started going after me. Using chains on another column, I climbed to the top of that column.

"Hey, beastie! You wanna piece of me? Then come get it!" I hollered. The beast started stampeding my way. When it got close enough, I used the chains as a lasso to strangle the beast. It coughed and choked for a few minutes, then dropped dead on the ground.

"Is it over?" Petro asked. I Force jumped from the top of the column and sliced his chains with my lightsaber.

"Yep." I nodded. "Master Kenobi is here too."

"Ahsoka, we're going!" Obi Wan called from the balcony. He was dragging an unconscious Anakin by the legs.

"Okay, Obi Wan!" I answered as Petro and I went to join him.


Author's Note: Wow! Ahsoka just owned that red beast back there! Now, I want to ask you guys a question. Do you think this is a good AU fanfic to Episode 3? Leave your thoughts in the comments below.


Can't believe it's been a year since I started working on this. Time flies!

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