Breaking the Ice

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Padme's POV

The rest of the day was spent trying to find fuel, but when it got dark, Mia decided to set up camp in the middle of nowhere.

"So...what are we going to do?" I asked as Kihara was starting a fire.

"We need to break the ice, of course. Kihara's new to our group, and we don't know her that well, so fine time to let her in on what we're up against." Mia answered.

"I see." Will replied as he went off on his own.

"What's up with him?" Kihara asked.

"Oh, Will's always been like that. He's committed to his tasks." I said. "And he's a sharpshooter. We've gotta have some good shooters in our team."

"What about you?"

"Me? I prefer to negotiate peacefully and I'm also in the Galactic Senate."

"And Mia?"

"I'm a sharpshooter as well. I'm also very good with vehicles." Mia boasted.

"Gotcha. As for me, I can uncover some secrets for you, but first, I need some clues. So, what's up with Palpatine?"

"Palpatine is really Darth Sidious, and he's the mastermind behind the Clone Wars. And for some reason, he's targetted Anakin...we don't know why."

"Anakin...Skywalker? You mean that guy that witnessed the duel between Windu and Palpatine that night?"

"Yeah, that's the one."

"And we've also come to the conclusion that Palpatine will be targetting Padme and the kids, which is why Anakin and Padme parted ways. While Padme's hiding out with us, Anakin's going on his 'mission'." Mia finished.

"I see. Wait...Anakin had kids?!" Kihara questioned.

"Unbelievable, but yes. Only a few people know this." I said. I actually never shared this news before, because if I did, I would get Anakin kicked out of the Jedi Order. Will and Mia heard the news from Anakin himself, and Ahsoka found out on her own.

"So what should we do?"

"Simple. We go to wherever the clues take us."

"What clues do we have?"

"We don't have clues, but we can go see my friend Bail Organa on Alderaan. He's in the Galactic Senate, so he might have a clue about Palpatine's intentions." I suggested.

"Why don't we search here? There's gotta be something here."

"We already did, and we found you and won you your freedom." Mia answered.

"We've gotta start off somewhere. Alderaan's a good place because we can see Bail Organa." I informed.

"Gotcha. First thing tomorrow, we're going to Alderaan...after we find some fuel." Kihara concluded as we prepared to go to bed.

"Good night, Kihara." Mia said.

"Good night."


Author's Note: So Padme and company plan on going to Alderaan the next day to see Bail Organa. What bit of info does Organa have to share?

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