Palpatine's Warning

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Author's Note: So Anakin has hid away when the galaxy needs him most. What will it take to motivate him again and reignite the spark of hope? What is Mia going to do? Is anyone brave enough to stand up to Palpatine? How will Palpatine rule his new Empire now that the Republic is truly dead? Find out in Part VII, and may the Force be with you.

This section begins Part VII: Imperial Utopia.

"Your fear is 100% dependent on you for its survival." ~Dr. Steve Maraboli


Ahsoka's POV


"What's going on?" I asked as footsteps pounded on the ceiling. The survivors of Order 66 have hidden in dark secret rooms hidden below the Jedi Temple...or should I say, what remained of it. I was holed up in one of them with Obi Wan, Yoda, Will, Rex, Padme, and some others.

"Probably Imperial Stormtroopers searching the place." Obi Wan shrugged.

"So that's what they're called now?"

"Guess so." Will said. He was messing around with his comlink. Next to him was Padme, who was curled into a little ball, her knees close to her chest. The babies were next to her, fast asleep. She hadn't spoken much since the funeral of the victims.

"Seems like Padme's taken Anakin's departure a lot harder than us." I noted.

"Yes, because the wife of Skywalker, she is." Yoda replied.

"Ahsoka, isn't it your turn to fetch the food?" Rex asked. All of us created a job list, which would change every day, and getting food was one of them.

"Oh, yeah. I'll be on my way." I said as I fetched my cloak and backpack.

"And be careful, Ahsoka!" Obi Wan warned.


As I exited my dark but safe haven, I took a moment to check my surroundings, just in case Stormtroopers or red Mandos were patrolling the place. The sky was cloaked in gray clouds, as it had been lately.

"15 gloomy days in a row." I sighed as I headed into the streets of Coruscant to look for food. I passed by herds of families who had bags full of essential belongings. Some of them had little children who were holding their dearest dolls. I managed to give them a sad smile before moving on.

Life had changed on Coruscant ever since Order 66 and so have I. Before, I was willing to risk my life for a good cause, even if I had to singlehandedly take on a red beast. As I walked to find food, I debated whether this was our ultimate fate. Were we destined to rot in Palpatine's vision of a perfect society, one without Jedi? I kept telling myself, yes, this is it. This will be our life from now on. But some part of me kept telling me that there is hope. But I don't see any spark of hope anywhere. And without Anakin, we cannot defeat the Sith, for he is the Chosen One.


"Hello, there." Dexter Jettster greeted happily the moment I stepped into his diner. Dex's Diner was the only place where everyone in the elite room got food, as he was a good friend of Obi Wan's. "How may I help you?"

"Hi. I would like to order 10 Shawda club sandwiches to go." I requested.

"It shall be done. Why don't you sit down over there?" Dex gestured towards a row of red chairs leaning against the wall.

"Thanks." I sat down as Dex disappeared. He came back awhile later.

"So you must be one of Obi Wan's friends?"

"Um, yeah. I'm Ahsoka Tano, and I survived Order 66. There are only about 50 Jedi left. Anakin Skywalker, whom Obi Wan trained, is the only one who can defeat the Sith, and he disappeared when the galaxy needed him most."

"I'm sorry to hear that. Life's been a living hell since Order 66." Dex sympathized when holographic images of Palpatine came up everywhere.

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. As you can see, my Imperial Stormtroopers and police force have been patrolling the galaxy for any remaining Jedi. It is important that these vile beings, who live for violence, are extinguished as soon as possible. We cannot have these beings roaming around, as they will rise up and destroy my new Empire, which has secured freedom and peace to all those who stand by me." Palpatine began.

"No..." I put a hand on my mouth in horror.

"And may I remind you that if you know anything about the whereabouts of any Jedi or opponent of mine, you are required to report what you know to any Stormtrooper captain or police Mandalorian. Failure to do so will result in severe punishment." Palpatine concluded before his image flickered and disappeared.

"Oh no." I gasped as a waitress came with my order.

"That will be 67 credits, please." The waitress said as I paid for the food. I rushed out of Dex's Diner right after. As I made my journey back to the hideout, I felt my heart wanting to break free of my chest. Sure, it's been hard hiding ourselves when we went out these past few days, but will it stay that way?

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