The Chosen One of Jedi Legend

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Will's POV

"Master Yoda, can we come in?" Obi Wan asked. We were standing outside Yoda's private quarters.

"Come in, you may." Yoda said. Obi Wan opened the door and led us inside. The room had a fountain of singing crystals among other things you would find in a typical bedroom.

"Hello, Master Yoda." Mia and I chorused.

"Hello, there, William, Mia." Yoda greeted.

"Yoda, can you tell these two about the prophecy of the Chosen One?" Obi Wan asked.

"Oh, yes, yes. Such a prophecy, exists, it does. Long ago, created this prophecy, a wise Jedi did." Yoda said.

"Ah! I know what you're talking about, Master Yoda!" Mia exclaimed.

"What?" I questioned.

"The Prophecy of the Chosen One says that in time, a Jedi will come to bring balance of the Force by destroying the Sith!"

"Wow, Mia! You know your stuff." Obi Wan complimented.

"Yes, right, you are, Mia." Yoda added. "But another side to the story, there is."

"Years ago, my old Jedi master, Qui Gon Jinn, found a slave boy on Tatooine and was amazed at his extraordinarily high amount of midi-chlorans in his bloodstream. He took the boy to Coruscant and presented him to the Jedi Council. Then the Battle of Naboo came...Qui Gon died, and he told me to train the boy. So I did." Obi Wan continued.

"Wait a minute...this person sounds awfully familiar." I said.

"It can't be..." Mia exclaimed.

"Yes. According to Qui Gon, the Chosen One of Jedi Legend is...none other than Anakin." Obi Wan concluded.

"Not sure if he is, I am. Misread, the prophecy might have been." Yoda admitted.

"Anakin, the Chosen One?! Impossible! But how?! How could he be the Chosen One? He never spoke of such a thing." Mia said.

"Believe that he was the Chosen One, Skywalker did not. Dismissed it as a myth, he did."

"Are you sure he is the Chosen One?" Will asked.

"Possibly. The prophecy was created over a thousand years ago, and over time, people began to question whether it applied to modern times. But 13 years ago, when Qui Gon met Anakin on Tatooine, a Sith Lord, Darth Maul, surfaced. Anakin, Qui Gon, Padme, who was then Queen of Naboo, fought in the Battle of Naboo, which resulted in Qui Gon and Darth Maul defeated. The Council then began to think that the prophecy could still be fulfilled." Obi Wan explained.

"Powerful in the Force, Skywalker is. Still be fulfilled, the prophecy can. Took over, Palpatine has. If stop him, we don't, perish, the Jedi will, and suffer, the galaxy will." Yoda noted.

I began to contemplate what Yoda and Obi Wan had told us. Anakin, the Chosen One?! Impossible! He had never talked about the prophecy. Yoda believed that the Jedi might've misread the prophecy. Anakin himself dismissed the prophecy as a myth. But is he really the one...destined to destroy the Sith?


Author's Note: Well, not much of a plot twist, as y'all who've watched the entire Star Wars series know that Anakin is the Chosen One. But the real question Anakin ready to take on the age-old task that's been bestowed upon him all those years ago, when he met Qui Gon Jinn?

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