~Chapter 4~ FlashBacks..

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Y/N - Your Name
H/C - Hair Colour
H/L - Hair Length
E/C - Eye Colour
S/C - Skin Colour
F/C - Fav Colour


Reader / Y/N Pov

"But I'm not evil!!" He screamed.

Uhh!! Would he just shut up!

I pulled my sword out, turning into my form.


"Grrr!!" He turned into his form and before I knew it I was being hit over the head with a diamond sword. I grab my head a start getting flash backs.


My 12 year old self was playing with my favourite toys until I heard a ear piercing scream. I look out the window to see villagers being killed and houses being burned.

"Y/N!!!" My mum screamed as she ran into my room along with my dad and older sister.

"Mommy? What's going on?" I ask tears welling in my eyes.

"Honey I want you to run out of the village and go as far as you can ok!" My dad says hugging my mum.

"Are you guys coming?" I ask

"Y-Yes but you have to go first" My sister said hugging me.

"O-" I was cut off by a 17 year old man in black walking in.

"Give me your daughter and no one will get hurt!" The man snapped.

"H-Hi Mister!" I replied softly.

"N-NO! I'd rather die knowing my baby is safe then to live and make her life a living hell!!" My dad screamed putting me behind him.

"Haha!! Fine have it your way!!" He slashed the sword at my mother's throat and grabbed my sister by her hair.

"Give me her! Or she's next!" The man threaten.

"M-Mister please d-dont hurt h-her!" I say between sobs.

"If you come with me your sister will live" The man says.

"O-Ok..." I slowly walk towards him, the next thing I know is my sister's life less body on the floor and my dad being stabbed.

"NOOOO!!!" I scream trying to run but getting grabbed. Before i could scream again I was knocked out.

~•~FlashBack End~•~

I scream and fall to my knees dropping my sword.

"NO!! ZANE WHY!!!!" I scream crying.

The Shadow Lord said Zane saved me....but he didn't....he killed my family......and made me into a monster...

"Get up now!!" I blonde man shouts.

Wait....that's Garroth Ro'meave!!

"I HATE YOUR EVIL BLACK HAIRED DEVIL OF A BROTHER!!!" I scream at him. Another boy walks out...

Wait....Vlyad Ro'meave.....

I feel something hit my head and everything goes black.


Was it good?

I worked really hard on this chapter, it might not seem it but I did!




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