~Chapter 22~ Girl Friend..?

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Reader's POV

We broke the kiss.

"Y/N....will you be my girlfriend?" Vlyad asked holding both my hands. I stared into his beautiful green eyes.

"Yes!" I squeal.

He picks me up and spins me in the air. Once he put me down he kisses me.

I hear the door open and hear a familiar voice.

"Oh hey Y/N can I ta-" Aphmau cut her self of when she saw us kissing.

"YOU GO GIRL!!" Aphmau screamed and ran off.

We broke form the kiss.

"Well Aphmau is going to kill me with her fangirling when I next see her." I huffed.

"I gotta go guard I'll be back later!! Love you!!" Vlyad yelled as he pecked me on the lips and ran off.

Vlyad I love you more than you will ever know...


Hope you liked this chappie!!




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