~Chapter 28~ Princess Y/N of Akuma!

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Reader's POV

"Welcome to Akuma Princess!" Koroshi yells happily.

"Can I see the castle?!? I've always wanted my own castle!!! It was my dream when I was a lil!" I scream jumping around.

Koroshi chuckles.

"Yes you can, follow me!" He extends his hand, I gladly except it.

I look around to see loads of beautiful houses.

For a devil relam it looks a lot like the over world..

"Look!" Koroshi says happily. Look his direction and see a beautiful black castle.

"Wow..." I mumbled.

" I mumbled

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Vlyads POV

I was in my house sobbing into my pillow.

"I'm sorry Y/N..." I mumbled. Before I knew it I had blacked out.

????? POV

I found another demon, he should make a great guard for the princess. Although I wish she would love me like a love her....

I'm going to be doing a character contest!! It has to be a male and he has to have some sort of demon like power!

~That's all!!

~Love chu all!!



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