~Chapter 9~ Hugs..?

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Reader's POV

~Time Skip to one day later~

I was still in a cell. They still don't trust me.

"Hey Y/N" A kind voice says.


"Hey Vlyad!!" I excitedly squeal.

He opens my cell door and walks in, I run up to him and hug him.

"VLYAD?!?" A female voice screams.

Oh god some one has seen us hug, he isn't meant to be talking to me let alone hugging!!

"Errr....." Vlyad mutters.

"What in the name of Irene are you doing!?!" She says again, I let go turn and see aphmau.

This is not good!!


I'm sorry it's short but
1. I'm tried
2. I'm having a bad day
3. It's my birthday soon so I'm being a wittle bit lazy!

~love y'all!! 💕




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