~Chapter 36~ Marriage?!?

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Reader's POV

I woke up in the white room again but I was in a WEDDING DRESS!?!

"WHAT THE?!" I scream.

Five guards rush though the door.

"Are you ok Princess?!" One said.

"What happen princess?!" Another said.

"Why am i in a wedding dress!?" I scream.

"Because your getting married today!" A voice said.

Please don't be the King!!

"Hello my future daughter in law!!" No other than the King says.


"Scream as much as you want, do it loud enough so your friends in the dungeon can hear." He remarks.

I stay quite.

"..can I go see them once every two hours then?" I ask.

"Yes, you may go see them now.." He says.

"Thank you!" I curtesy.

God I hate him....

I run past the guards and the same why Ylva showed me. I opened the door to see Laurance, Vlyad, Lui, Amaya and Katelyn.


"WHERES APHMAU?!" I shout. They all turn to see me shocked looks on their faces.

"What. Are. You. Wearing?" Vlyad growls.

"Princess why are you in a wedding dress?" Lui asks.

"Heh...funny story...I woke up like this...and...I-I-I-" I cut my self of my falling to my knees.

"Y-Y/N?" I turn to see Aphmau in the same wedding dress as me but with a purple ribbon I had a F/C ribbon.

"Aph...w-why...are t-they making u-us marry people we d-don't love!?" I half scream half cry.

"I-I.." Before Aphmau could finish she started crying, I got up and hugged her.

"We have to stop this wedding even if it means getting a little hurt..." I mumble.


Sorry I haven't been updating!!!!!

I've had a lot going on at home, and with friends and it's making me really depressed!



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