~Chapter 16~ First Kiss..

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Reader's POV

I went to go sit down when I felt something grab my butt.

I turned around and punch that person in the nose and kicked them in the stomach.

"Urgg!...I...should of...seen that...coming.." A white haired man groans.

"PREV!!" I scream and stomp off.

"Hey!! Y/N!!" Vlyad calls.

I instantly start smiling.

No matter what's happened Vlyad always makes me smile..

"H-Hey Vlyad!!" I yell, I hug him tightly.

"Wow!! Where's the that grumpy girl that gave Travis a bloody nose gone?" Vlyad asks and chuckles.

"Oh so that who that guy was.." I mumble.

"Follow me.." Vlyad goes serious and grabs my hand.

He pulls me into the forest until we reach a small lake.

"Vlyad it's....beautiful..." I mutter.

"Y-Y/N..." Vlyad mumbles.

"Hmm...?" I hum looking into his beaming lush green eyes.

He starts leaning in and before I know it his soft, warm, gentle lips are on mine. I instantly start kissing back, He grabs my waist and I gently sliver my arms round his neck.

This is the BEST day of my life!!

We stayed like that until we needed air.

"V-Vlyad...y-your...m-m-my.....first kiss.." I mumble.

"Oh...well you a good kisser..." He mumbles back.

Just saying to those who haven't had their first kiss its not as amazing if it isn't with the one you truly love.

Also I might be changing my username to Kitty~Meow or Georgella~Meow


~Loads of kisssessss!!!!


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