~Chapter 49~ Good bye..

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Reader's POV

This is it the end of me...

"Goodbye..." I plunged my sword into my chest.

"AGGGHHHH!!!" I screamed it hurt soo much.

"Y/N!!!" VLYAD?! Shouted.

"Vlyad..?" I mutter Vlyad and Laurance burst into the room.

"I'm..*cough* sorry..." I closed my eyes.

Vlyad's POV

I woke up coughing, I'm going to ki-

"AGGGHHHH!!!" Y/N screamed.

"Y/N!!!" I shout. I ran to Y/N's room with Laurance. I kicked the door open to see Y/N had stabbed herself.

"I'm..*cough* sorry.." She muttered, took her last breath and closed her E/C eyes.

"NOOOO!!!! Y/N!!! YOU CANT LEAVE ME!!!" I screamed, tears running down my face.

"Baby sis don't leave please..." Laurence sobbed.

She's gone....my true love is gone....


The next chappie is the end of this book!!! *CRIES REALLY HARD* I've had SOOO much fun writing this book for you guys!!! The nice comments I get to read everyday really makes me happy!!! Thank you guys soooooooooooooooo much!!!!

I love you ALLL!!!!!!!!!!!




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