~Chapter 14~ Forgiveness...

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Reader's POV

"I want to be your friend Zenix but I don't want to hurt people!!" I yell.

"Zenix Leave us alone!! Y/N is no longer evil!!" Vlyad yells.

"Fine!! We will meet again Y/N!" Zenix runs away.

"Aaron!! Have you found Vlyad, Laurance or Y/N yet?!?" A female voice yells.

"I have all three!!" Aaron yells back, I see Aphmau running towards us.

"I'm so glad non of you are hurt!!" Aphmau shouts, hugging Laurance and Vlyad. I look down and start to walk away.

"Y/N wait!!" Aphmau yells.

"You hate me Aphmau so I'm leaving like you wanted!" I sorta yell.

"No I don't!! I've just never met a good girl shadow knight, the first one I met tried to kill me. Look I'm sorry!! Can you forgive me?" Aphmau pleads.

"I-I...yes I'll forgive you..." I mutter.

Well she's the first person I have forgiven...

"Hey how about to make it up to you we can have a party!!" Aphmau squeals.

"Uh..ok?..." I mumble.

You can get your groove on next chappie!! We gone party all night!!




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