~Tagged for the 4 time with in 2 days~

804 19 56

I was tagged by Darknes05

It said post the rules so instead I'm just gonna rewrite them!!

1) Post the Rules

2) Post 15 facts about your self

3) You can't back out!!

4) Do it within the week, or the person who tagged you gets to choose your punishment! 😱

5) Have to tag 15 people!

6) Has to be in a book made by you! Can't be in the comments!

Ok let's begin!!

1) My real name is Georgia!

2) I'm 13 years old!

3) I have three of my real life friends on Wattpad!
bethanieunicorn13 FoxyFighter3000

4) I have a YouTube account.

5) I have a Instagram account

6) I have loads of Gmail accounts.

7) I'm ruining out of things to say!!

8) I like sleeping? I don't know anymore!!

9) I literally have no more facts left!

10) I love chocolate!!

11) I love Ice Cream!!

12) I have a iPhone!!

13) i....ummm.....I choked on water about 10 minutes ago! Seriously don't laugh then drink water....

14) My parents broke up.

15) I'm gonna do a face reveal because I don't know what to put!!

This is me!! I'm sorry if my uglyness blinds you!! The people I tag!!

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This is me!! I'm sorry if my uglyness blinds you!!
The people I tag!!

1~ bethanieunicorn13
2~ FoxyFighter3000
3~ CiaraMayStokes07
4~ _XxBuggsxX_
5~ Bluenchanting
6~ delmuzza_2
7~ Saurtis_Loverz
8~ ElhBlossom
9~ SeeU_Sama
10~ PassTheButterBeer
11~ PooffyChan
12~ PrincessASee
13~ XxAlpha_galxXgaming
14~ Zombi_Potato_13
15~ End3rStorm

Ok please I don't want to be tagged again this week if you do tag me can you do it in a week or so because I think you guys want me to update the book!!


~Georgella~ <3

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