~Chapter 26~ Plan in Action!

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Just for today bold underlined is thought because my italic isn't working
~•5 Days Later•~
|•Day of Escaping•|
Reader's POV

It's the day Koroshimasu is going to get me out this hell hole!!

"Y/N are you ready to make a runner?" Koroshimasu asks. I nod in response.

"Let's do this!" He half yells.

About 20 guards walk in. Me and Koroshimasu both lift our left hand up. A black flame appears in my hand and a grey one in his. We both close our eyes and shout.

"Yoi o kaihō watashitachi o kaihō shi, aku ga kiete!" I opened my eyes and see I'm on a tree with Koroshimasu next to me, I look at the O'Kassis Castle on of fire, black and grey fire.

"Thank you!!" I scream hugging Koroshimasu.

"Heh...any thing for you Watashi no ōjo.." Koroshimasu says quietly.

Wait!! Watashi no ōjo mean my princess..

"Why did you call me your princess Koroshimasu?" I ask looking at him.

"So you do remember the Akuma language..." He says again quietly.

Akuma...devil.....I'm the princess of Akuma in the devil relam....oh my Kusoairīn!!

"I'm the princess of Akuma how?" I ask Koroshimasu.

"Your Mother and Father were the King and queen, your sister was the next in line but because they were killed that means you are the new princess and soon to be queen.." Koroshimasu explains.

"Who are you really Koroshimasu?" I ask.

"My real name is Koroshi, I am the next in line for head and your personal guard.." Koroshi  says.

"Koroshi can you take me to Phoenix Drop?" I question.

"Yes I can" Koroshi simply answers.

"Before we leave can I see your face?" I ask.

"Yes Kuroi bara.." He answers.

What is with all the Names?!

He pulls down his hood. Koroshi has Jet black hair , with bright blue eyes, he is also really pale.

 Koroshi has Jet black hair , with bright blue eyes, he is also really pale

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"Come now Kuroi ba-" he starts

"Call me Y/N.." I say sternly.

"Ok....Come now Y/N....we shall make it back to....Phoenix Drop...within the next 18 hours..." Koroshi replies.

"18 HOURS?!" I yell.

"I only travel at night so we have a while to wait..." He adds.

"We need a place to rest until night fall then.." I say.

"Follow me..." Koroshi orders me.

I just nod in response.

Hope you like this mostly Japanese chapter!! If any of you knows what Koroshimasu means please feel free to comment below!!


THANKS YOU GUYS SOOOO SOOOO SOOO MUCH FOR THE 3K!!!!!! I love you guys millions!!! Thank you all again!! <3

~Luv all of Chu!!! <3


~Georgella~ <3


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