~Chapter 27~ Heart broken..

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Again bold underline is thoughts because of my italics still don't work!!
18 hours time skip
Reader's POV

"EEE!!!" I scream tuning into the village.

"Argg!! Slow down Y/N!!" Koroshi yells at me.

"NEVER!!!" I scream ran into the one person I wanted to see for so long kissing a blue haired girl. I just stood there tears streaming down my pale cold face.

"V...V...V-Vlyad...?" I ask choking on my words. He turns to see me a crying mess and starts crying as well.

"I t-thought you were dead..." He sobbed.

"Y-You didn't e-even bother t-trying...to find m-m-me..." I cry.

"Princess Y/N!!! Are you ok?!?" Koroshi yells hugging me.

"PRINCESS?!?" Vlyad yells.

"Yes princess of Akuma in other words the devil relam!!" Koroshi snaps at Vlyad.

"L-Like you w-would care a-anyway....you a-are cheating on m-me...." I cry even harder.

"Prince- I mean Y/N use your power to change into your demon dress.." Koroshi mumbled to me.

I closed my eyes, I felt Koroshi let go of me, I make movements with my hands and spin around, half way though spinning blackness surrounds me and I feel a long dress on my body. I open my eyes to see everyone around me but Koroshi shocked. I looked down to see a beautiful Black and red dress on my body and my devil Wings, tail and horn showing I also had a black tiara on my head and black earrings in.

 I looked down to see a beautiful Black and red dress on my body and my devil Wings, tail and horn showing I also had a black tiara on my head and black earrings in

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"Now this is my style!!" I cheer

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"Now this is my style!!" I cheer.

"My princ- I mean Y/-" I cut Koroshi off.

"No call me princess I'm going to Akuma, I'm getting out of this stupid world." I sneer.

"Say this words...Akuma ni watashi o torimasu..." Koroshi says.

"Bye you fucking bitches!! Akuma ni watashi o torimasu!!!" I yell, before everything went black the last thing I saw was Vlyads Heart broken face.

He did that deserves it because he did it to me first...

Ok so this chappie was....something...I'm sorry it's...depressing? Sad? Weird? I don't know but I'm a lil depressed so this was the happiest thing I could write....


~Love you all sorry for being depressing!!



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