~Chapter 11~ Zane...

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Reader's POV

"Please I'll become a guard!! Protect your village!! I promise I mean no harm!!" I cry.

"Guys she's telling the truth!!" Vlyad shouts.

"I'll give her ONE chance!! If she blows it then back here she goes!!" Aphmau snaps.

"T-Thank you!! I promise I won't do anything bad!!" I squeak.

"You will live with all the other guards! Understood?!" Aphmau snaps again.

"Yes! M'Lord!!" I half shout. Aphmau growls and walks out.

"Thank you so much Vlyad!!" I scream and hug him.

"That's ok, and hey what are friends for!" He replied.

"So she's good?" I heard some one whisper.

"Yes I am! By the way your doing a terrible job at whispering!!" I laugh.

"H-Hey don't Jude my amazing whispering!!" The brown haired man stuttered.

"I'm Y/N by the way!" I stick my hand out for him to shake. He accepts.

"Laurance and this blondie also known as Vlyads older brother is Garroth." Laurence states.

"Hey.. " Garroth mutters.

"Nice to meet you both" I greet.

I start to remember their other bother...



"Stupid Stupid girl can't do anything right!!" Zane shouted as he whipped me.

I screamed in pain and tried to move away from him, but failed. I just earned a kick in the belly. I started to cough.

"Why d-do y-you hurt m-me??" I mutter.

"Because I hate your guts!!" He snapped. Everything went black.

~•FlashBack Over•~

"ZANE IS EVIL" I scream.

"What Y/N are you ok?!" Vlyad says hugging me.

"Why?...Why?....He took everything.....he beat me....." I mutter into Vlyads chest.

"Shhhh.....it's ok....your safe now..." Vlyad cooed.

"Why...why.." I slowly diffed of.


Ok soo its not very long but it's long. Im losing ideas!!! Can you guys comment stuff that should happen in the next chappie because I don't know what to write.




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