~Chapter 31~ Training!

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Btw my italics are FINALLY working!!
Reader's POV

It's been two weeks since o'khassis attacked. At the moment I'm training with my new guards and Vlyad...

"Princess Y/N practice on you demon form!" Koroshi yelled.

"Ok!" I yelled back everyone was watching me.

I grew my devil Horns, Tail and Wings. I made pure red energy balls in my hands then put them together and almost completely destroyed the training room wall.

"Uhh...I think we need a new wall...." I say shyly.

I turned around to see shocked looks of all their faces but Toya's he was smirking.

"See that's how a Goddess fights!!" Toya remarked. A light pink dusted across my cheeks.

"I finally got her to push!!" He yelled fist pumping the air.

"Heh..." I muttered.

"Y/N...can I talk to you...alone..." Aishi mutters. I nod and follow her out the room.

"Yes Aishi?" I ask.

"If I show you my face promise to not tell anyone what I look like...?" She asks.

"I promise!" I say.

"If you do I will hunt you down and rip you to shreds! Understand?" Aishi half yells.

Sheesh! She really doesn't like it when people see her face!

"I promise I won't! Your my friend and guard I won't tell a soul!" I try to calm her down.

She slowly pulls her hood down, she had long wavy blue hair and one blue eye and one red eye with a scar on it. I was just starring when her eyes started to glow red.

"Stop. Starring!!" She snapped. I quickly looked away.

Her eyes glow red when angry...

"Your very beautiful Aishi...I'm sure people would love to see your face but If your uncomfortable with it then that's ok.." I mutter I see a dark pink dust onto her cheeks.

"Let's go back in!" I giggle, she pulls her hood back up and we walk in to see a tall, pale girl with long wavy brunette hair and green eyes with black and red armour on with a red demonic sword.

"YUKI?!?" Aishi screams.

"AISHI!?" The girl screams back.

losplaysgames I added your character!! But Her and Aishi may know each other!!

Sorry i haven't posted I've been busy!

~Bu Byii!!



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