~Chapter 35~ W-What?!?

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Reader's POV

I woke up in a white room? I was on a white canapé bed.

"Huh? Where am I? I swear I was in a cell!" I half shout.

"Morning dear!" A women with black hair sings.

"Who are you?! Where am I?! Where are my friends?!" I yell.

"My name is Ylva and you in the castle, your friends are still in the cells." Ylva calmly says.

"Take me to them!!" I half scream.

"As you wish." She opens the door and leads me to a long dark set of stairs.

"Go down there and to the right all you friends are in one room.." Ylva whispers.

"Thank you!" I hug her and run down the stairs and into the room on the right. I see two cells one with Laurence, Vlyad and Lui in and the other with Amaya, Aphmau and Katelyn in.

"Thank Irene you guys are ok!!" I shout.

"Huh?" Amaya asks.

"Can you move into the light? We don't know who you are" Aphmau asks.

I walk into the light realising I'm in a VERY revealing dress.

"What. Are. You. Wearing?!" Katelyn screams.

"Uhh...I don't know.....WAIT!! SOMEONE CHANGED MY CLOTHES?!?!" I shout.

A boy with brown hair walks into the room I'm in.

"Hello my princess!" He says.

"Who are you?! Who changed my clothes?! Why have you put my friends in cells?! Why are you calling me princess!?!" I growl.

"I'm Josh also known as Feniers brother. The prince of the Wolf tribe!" He says proudly.

"Are you expecting praise? Because if you are then you not getting it in here!" I snap.

"Feisty!! I like it!!" He chuckles.

"Don't. Call. Me. FEISTY!!" I growl.

"OooOooO!! Someone got up on the wrong side of the bed!!" He snaps.

"Now who shall make a good bride for my brother!!" Josh yelps.

"None of them is marrying you or your stupid brother!!" I snap.

"I think you find you are marrying me tomorrow!!" Josh gleefully says.

"WHAT!?!" Vlyad and Lui yell.

"I'm NOT and NEVER will marry you!!" I scream.

"Guards!!" He shouts.

4 to 5 guards come into the room.

"Tell my father to change the wedding to tonight!! And tell him all of this..Mei'fwa's will be kill at the wedding and I choose this one to marry Fenier!!!" He says grabbing Aphmau.


"Ugh! Guards knock her out!!" Josh yells.

"Wha-" I get cut of by blackness.

What am I going to do....

Hehe...I changed the plot...a lot!

So you may have to marry a snobby ugly prince!! Yay!! Note Sarcasm!

~Bu Byiiiiii!!!!

~Love chu all!!! <3

~Georgella out!!!!~

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