~Chapter 5~ Tears...

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Y/N - Your Name
H/C - Hair Colour
H/L - Hair Length
E/C - Eye Colour
S/C - Skin Colour
F/C - Fav Colour


Reader / Y/N Pov


I was in my cell still. I was hungry, tried and in so much pain. Zane would come in every half a hour and toucher me for about a hour, it's been like this for four years. Before he left today he said to me.

"Your so pathetic!" He snapped.

"W-Why me..?" I gagged out.

"Because you have something I want. But your not strong enough. So your going to the neither." He spat throwing a rock at me.

"I H-have no p-powers...!" I wimper.

"You do but you won't gain them till your 18." He shouts and walks out. Living me in a dark, damp, cold cell.

~•~Dream/Flashback End~•~

I wake up in a cell, with tears streaming down my cold, pale face.

"H-He said when i-im 18......I am 18....." I muttered under my breath.

Garroth, Vlyad, A light brown haired man and A black haired woman walked in.

The woman came to the cell.

"Are you Ok? You look like you have been crying." She said softly.

"H-He....told..me his brothers....made me...a..monster....and k-killed my f-family.....h-he....lied...." I stutter, wiping the tears form my cheeks.

"Who is this 'he'?" She asks.

"Z-Zane..." I growl at his named.

He made me a monster.....

The woman gasped.

I took a deep breath in.

"Do..you know him?" I ask standing.

"Yes" she simply answered.


Sorry it's not very good.



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