~Chapter 23~ Kiddnaped?!

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Reader's POV

I just got back from grocery shopping. I'm sitting in Vlyads house eating ALL of his Doritos and Oreos.

Note to self don't eat Doritos and Oreos at the same time ever again....

I heard someone unlocking the door, i get up and hide under Vlyads bed.

"Uhh!! Guarding is so ha- WAIT!! WHO ATE MY DELICIOUS DORITOS AND OREOS!!?!" Vlyad yelled.

I start laughing and crawl out from under his bed.

"Hey Vlyad~" I sung.

"Y/N...baby...did you eat all my food..?" Vlyad says, holding my hands.

"Maybe..." I whisper.

"Whyyyyyy????" He wines.

"I did buy all your groceries for you tho!! So I deserved to eat your food!!" I half yell.

"Ok well I'm tried so I'm gonna go to sleep, okay?" Vlyad tells me.

"Ok, well I'm gonna go for a wonder!!" I squeak.

"Ok be safe!" He advises kissing my nose.

"Love you!!" I yell running out the door.

I walk into the forest looking at the beautiful scenery.

I walk into the forest looking at the beautiful scenery

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"Hello little girl..." A deep voice says.

"Huh..? Who's there?!" I yell. Before I knew it I blacked out.

????'s POV

Haha!! Stupid girl!! Your power shall be mine!! I shall rule the world!!


Comment who you think has kidnapped you!!

Love y'all!! 💕

~Bu Byii



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