~Side Story Pt-1~

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This Side Story is based off of Love Love paradise!
Readers POV

Me, Aphmau, Lucinda, Katelyn, Nicole, Kawaii~Chan, Vlyad, Garroth, Zane, Aaron and Travis were all playing Truth and Dare in the Ruth  top pool.

"Aphmau Truth or Dare?" Lucinda asked.

"Uhhh....Truth?" Aphmau half asked.

"How much do you love Aaron?" Lucinda smirked.

Aphmau instantly looked like a tomato.

"I-I-I-" She took a deep breathe "I love Aaron more than a-anything!"

"Awe babe I love you too!" Aaron cooed kissing his girlfriends cheek.

"Y/N!!" Aphmau yelled. "Truth or dare?"

"Dare I'm no chicken!!" I snapped.

"I dare you to sing the sausage song!!" Aphmau laughed.

"Oh my Irene!! But Vlyad is here!!" I whined like a 5 year old.

"I don care!!" She squeaked.

"Use your gramma Aph!" I snapped.

"No me don wan use grama!!" She squealed.

"SING!! SING!! SING!!!" Katelyn, Nicole and Lucinda started chanting.

Irene kill me now!!!

(OK in this you sing all of the song!)

(If it doesn't work then research on you tube " Sausage song Georgie Williams " )

When I stopped sing I laughed my butt off soon every one else joined in.

Hehe I'm evil....




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