~Chapter 21~ Kisses?!

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Reader's POV

Today I'm going to ask Aphmau to be a guard!! Wait what if I don't pass the test?! What if she says no?!? What i-

My thoughts were cut off by the one and only Vlyad.

"What ya thinking about?" He asked.

"Well...mabye...I...umm...could..sorta..become..a..err..Guard?" I mumble.

"That'd be great!! Wait here I'm going to go get Garroth!!" He yelled as he ran back to the village. I just sat near the pond waiting...and...waiting...and.....waiting...

"Y/N!! I GOT GARROTH!!" I heard Vlyad yell. Not that long after I hear his calming voice and see him and his blonde brother before my eyes.

"So Y/N we are gonna have a fight and if you beat me your in, okay?" Garroth explains.

"Ok!" I make my Devil Horn, Wings and tail appear. Then my sword appears in one hand and a energy ball in the other.

Garroth looked like he had just seen a naked girl. He was hilarious, I bust into laughter.

"Oh...*laughs*..my.......*laughs*..Irene!" I gasp.

"Come on Y/N lets go before you die!" Vlyad chuckles.

~•Time skip•~

"Y/N I have to tell you something..." Vlyad muttered as we walked into my house.

"Hmm?" I hummed.

"Ever..since I s-saw your..face ...I've been in l-love with you...and...since the d-day I met you...my..my feelings have grown....stronger..." Vlyad mutters.


"Vlyad I-I Love you too!!" I stutter.

Vlyad cups my face and kisses me passionately. I was shocked at first but then melted into the kiss, wrapping my arms around his neck. He moves his hand to my waist and we passionately make out.


Ok so I published this when it wasn't finished by accident soo I finished it now!!

Sorry about my mistake I will go sit in a corner of a room, put the hat of shame on and cry!




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