Chapter 1

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The two companies vouching for this deal were seated opposite to each other on the sides of extra large rectangular table. Nandini , abhimanyu and Alok with their assistants on one side. Their rivals on the other side. Mr. Maan Malhotra , entered and sat on one of the two chairs placed near the head of the table. He warmly shook hands with the heads of the two company and said

Maan: Sorry gentlemen , as u can see one of the chairs beside me is empty , as my son MANIK has gone out of the city for a concert. So u go ahead with the presentations , i will be giving my decision after seeing the presentation.
No one objected as everyone knew that manik and his band FAB 5 is quite famous and manik tries to balance between music and business. Even nandini was aware of this fact but she never got time to attend his concert or even see his face. YES nandini has never seen manik. She never got the opportunity.

The presentation started and Nandini's presentation impressed maan. more than the presentation maan was impressed by nandini, her confidence, her attitude and most of all her hard work as he instantly knew that she has done a lot of research on them before coming out with the designs. INFINITY, that is the name of the company of murthy's, got the deal . After formal handshakes and the hug between daughter-son-father, they got back to their office and the rest of the day passed by uneventfully.

MANILLA ( house of the malhotra's, just like antilla, the house of the Ambani's in mumbai, google it, if u have no idea of the majestic house)

Maan and Neyonika were sitting in their living room

Maan: Neyo , u know today there was a meeting regarding the interior design of our mudisland resort.

Neyo: yeah yeah i remember u telling me that 2 companies are vying for this project. so what happened? did you get what u were looking for?

Maan: yeah INFINITY got the project. but i want to tell u something more

Neyonika gestured him to continue

Maan: Neyo , INFINITY"S project designing head is Nandini Murthy, the company is of her father's. i m really impressed by the girl. I have started seeing her as my future daughter-in-law. She has everything that we are looking for in MANIK's wife. Good looks, smartness, independency, everything. She will complement manik in every way.
Neyonika listened to all this in quite amazement as her husband meets many girls during the course of business but he had never spoken so highly of any girl before. She thought Nandini has got to be special , in that case.

Neyo: Maan i would like to meet her. its the first time u r speaking of a girl with so much praise . Please arrange a meeting.

Maan: Neyo i dont want to approach them so directly without knowing my children's view and ofcourse your view too. so i was thinking , i ll invite them for Manik's birthday party which after two days as they are our business associates now. what say??

Neyo: yeah thats a good idea!!
Maan: ok now tell me any information about our children? when are they coming back?

Neyo: YEAH MANIK called me this afternoon and he was quite upset that he could not be with you during the resort meeting. and he told that he will be back by tomorrow evening.Now come lets have dinner.
Alok: Sheetal we got the project!!!

Sheetal: i knew it my children will do it!!

She kissed Abhi and Nandini's forehead. and they moved to sit on the sofa.

Abhi: all credit goes to nandu!! what a presentation and the designs were just awesome!!

Nan: stop it bhai! u and dad always overprise. it was a joint effort. had not u given inputs how would have i made the presentation?? and thank you dad for trustiing me on the project.

Sheetal: ok now end this emotional scene and go and freshen up, we will have dinner together, i have made everyone's favourite dishes as i knew that we are gonna celebrate!

With this the day ended

Next day
In the office Alok recieved the invite for the manik's birthday . The card itself reflected that the party is gonna be a high profile one. In the evening Alok showed the card to his family and they also had the same opinion but they all agreed to go to the party which will be held at one the resorts owned by malhotra's.
Credits to the writer- Manini Mehra

Manan FF- Arranged marriage (✔)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें