Chapter 24

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After dinner , manik was no where to be seen, probably busy with his bunch of brother-in-laws. I entered my room to change for sleep, but i jumped in fright when i was caught from behind and turned around , only to find it was manik. I hugged him tight and sighed in relief "shit!! Manik, you scared me!!" he laughed "but i liked it"

"you like scaring me?"

"no, the hug, tight and cosy one"

He spoke dramatically, showing how cosy it was! I slapped his shoulder.
"where were you since dinner?"

"you know i have got a bunch ful of brother-in-laws, so..." he deliberately trailed off and traced his finger on my face "leave all that...not important, lets do what is important" he spoke stroking my lips with his thumb. My brain ticked me "don't serve him everything on the platter nandini, let him make efforts, you shouldn't be easy" and with this evil idea, i pushed him just as our lips brushed against each other ,and i ran away from him. I saw , his expression, it took him a moment to comprehend what-just-happened? Then he saw me smiling mischievously when i spoke "not so easily manik" a smirk adored his face " oh really wifey?? You wanna play with me? Ok..." and he ran after me. We were running like tom and jerry in the room, but i saw , i would get caught in the room , so i ran outside after showing him my tongue. He followed me outside, complaining "this is not fair nandini, you should have stayed in the room" I shouted back "everything is fair in love and war , manik...and this is definitely not war" he smiled while running , we were now running down the stairs. My family sitting in the living room, tried to understand what was happening, but we didn't stop to explain them, although manik slowed down his pace, clearly embarrassed in front of his in-laws, and gave me a once-i-catch-you-you-will-regret look" but i didn't stop.

"nandini stop, its ok, i accept defeat" he raised his both hands . and finally our chase ended. I was shot with questions now

Amma: kyu daur rahe the tum dono?

Amms: kanna , you are a married woman now, behave like one.

Chachi: arey par btao toh chuhe-billi ki tarah kyu bhag rahe the.

I was embarrassed now . what should i tell them? Manik spoke on my behalf " kuch ni amma, chachi...nandini ne mujhe challenge kiya tha ki wo mujhse jyada fast daur sakti hai, toh bas wahi test kar raha tha main" when he finished , he gave me you-owe-me-one-for-this look. I smiled to myself realising how easily we could talk even in gestures, without a word being spoken.

We sat with the elders and younger clan hovered over manik. He had really become their favourite. Amms informed that she , chachi ,chacha and rishabh , will leave for mangalore tomorrow and asked us to visit too, whenever possible.

Manik agreed happily, assuring them. After a while everyone left for their room , so did we.

As we entered our room, manik tried to get what he was looking for, from me, but was interrupted by a conference call from cabir-dhruv-alia. I cashed the opportunity and moved out of his hold and went in the washroom to change.
I came out of the washroom wearing pajama and spaghetti strap top. Manik was still on the phone. I took off my accessories and placed on the dresser, killing time till manik got free. I was combing my hair when suddenly , i was swept off the floor, startled , i caught hold of him, firmly.

"manik, is it necessary to always scare me?"

"i gave you the reason before, moreover enough of this hide-and-seek, i will take what i want" he spoke while placing me on the bed. I blushed as there was no escape this time which he made sure , wasn't , by caging me on all sides and hovering over me. I tried a trick again. I tickled him moving my fingers over his abdomen area , but to my utter surprise, he didn't feel ticklish. I gaped at him while he smirked "done with all your tricks sweetheart?"

Manan FF- Arranged marriage (✔)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें