Scene 8

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"Dr. Anjana i told you , you are coming with us" manik stated firmly, over the phone "even doctors need a break" he added with slight humour.

Then he listened carefully.

"if you want i can talk to your seniors" he said after hearing her.
"now, that's good! Thank you" he smiles "i will send my driver to pick you up tomorrow"

With that he hangs up, relieved that now since dr. Anjana will be there 24*7 in Udaipur, he will have to worry a little less for nandini.

" manik, your coffee" he hears nandini's hesitant voice at the entrance of his study. He swivels in his chair to face her with a smile. She comes in smiling shyly and places the coffee mug on his table.

"thank you" he says .

"are you done??" she asks hesitantly, so that he doesn't feel that she is interfering.

"no, sweetheart, there is still hell lot of work to be done before we leave in the morning" he says softly and her face falls. She feels disappointed. This feeling is so new, this compulsion to always keep him close, crave for his undivided attention, this is weird, she cannot keep him tied to herself, this is not rational.... Suddenly her chain of thought breaks as manik tugs on her hand, lightly.

"come here" he gestures her to sit on his lap and she follows more than eagerly. As she sits, he wraps his arm around her.

"kya hua?" he asks softly caressing her cheek with the back of his hand.

She leans in his touch, closing her eyes. This makes him smile and his finger wanders off to her lower full lips, tracing its edge. "how is the baby?" he asks caressing her lips. She smiles but says nothing.

"nandini???" he whispers as her eyes are still closed but her breathing has caught up. She opens her eyes and finds herself staring into his chocolaty brown eyes which are looking sensually at her. She is the first one to look away. He rests his palm over her belly.

"nandini, please talk to me. tum mujhse share ni karogi ki tum kya feel kar rahi ho toh mujhe kese pata chalega??" he requests and he feels that she is going to talk but before she could utter a word, his phone starts ringing, nandini shuts her mouth and looks at him dejected. He reluctantly picks up the call, making a puppy face, as it is his secretary. Nandini tries to get up from his lap but he holds her in place. She sits and starts fiddling with the button on his shirt, absentmindedly, but her cute gesture makes manik smile. But she is oblivious to it, busy in her thoughts.

May be all these feelings are because she is less busy these days, since she has shared her workload with mahi. Hmmm this is the reason. An idle mind is devil's workshop. It's good that she will be busy from tomorrow in the wedding , then these feelings will shift in the background.

She will have so much work to do!....oh my god did mukti pack her footwears?? I forgot to ask her completely. Oh no! How can be i so careless, papa's medicine?? Nandini!! Stop thinking about sex all the time! There are more important things than that! I was never like this...must be the pregnancy hormones!

Manik hangs up the call. "sorry! ab bolo kya hua??" he asks softly but nandini's mood has changed by then.

and oh my dear readers, this is ,what is called the great MOOD SWING

"kuch ni hua...i have got a lot of work to do...bye!" she says dismissively and gets up from his lap. Manik gets confused by her behaviour but before he could say something, she is out of the door, and he receives another call which distracts him.
"ok nandini, i give you a thumbs up, you can board the flight" Dr. Anjana says after checking nandini's blood pressure. They were in the private lounge of the terminal. Manik smiled in relief while nandini rolled her eyes at his extra careful approach towards her.

Manan FF- Arranged marriage (✔)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें