Promo for Chapter 19

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I just want you to know that, i Manik Malhotra..your fianc..your beloved.. your to be husband...will be waiting for you at the mandap. Please come fast...can't wait to see you...and yeah..I LOVE YOU baby."

Nandini was smiling and blushing and she muttered to herself " i m coming manik" and she got up from her bed in full excitement and enthusiasm.

After a few seconds he noticed that nandini was constantly looking down and her hold on appa's arm tightening.
it didn't take manik much time to understand that she was nervous. He started chanting under his breath "nandini com'on look up, look up, for once, please, nandini, nandini" and as if she heard his request, she looked up for a fraction


Manik got down on his knees in front of nandini. Whole of the crowd burst out in cheers and hoots , this time even elders started clapping. Nandini was shocked, her eyes grew wider and she made an o with her lips. While manik looked straight into her eyes

I guys I will take time to post next chapter so please tab tak adjust with this promo because my exams are going on please manage!!

Manan FF- Arranged marriage (✔)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें