Chapter 23

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I came out of washroom , the room was empty. Where is manik? I looked around and saw that the French door was open, means he is in the balcony. Yes, i was right, i saw him enjoying the cool breeze with his hands in his pajama pockets.

I quietly went and stood beside him

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

I quietly went and stood beside him. We looked at each other and smiled. The breeze played with my open hair. We did not speak. Yet it was not awkward. After a moment , i felt manik's hand on mine over the railing . he held my hand and brought me closer . my heart started thumping . blood rushed to colour my cheeks. He cupped my face lovingly. My lips quivered in anticipation. And then he placed his lips on mine, ever so softly. The kiss was slow at first . but as the hormones kicked in , it turned wild and urgent. His hands left my face and moved down to cup my bosoms. A sudden wave of emotions ran through me and i clutched the strap of his vest tightly. I went insane but i saw him using his brains even in such high surge of emotions. He just placed his hand over my bosom , at first, gauging my reaction, to know if i was ok with it. The pleasure that i felt , made me moan in his mouth and this seems set him on fire as he squeezed them. We were still in the balcony, but my legs were giving up. He pushed me to the pillar and put his thighs in between my legs to support me. I felt breathless, so gave up on the tongue fight, he immediately left my mouth only to peck it twice again. He pulled apart grinning like a boy who got his favourite candy while i was catching up with my breath and lowering my body temperature. He said after a few moments "your kiss energises me, i m feeling so fresh . I am not sleepy. What about you?" his words made me flush even more and i just shook my head. He didn't understand what i meant , so I spoke shyly pushing the hair bangs behind my ear " I am not feeling sleepy" . he replied excitedly "so lets talk?" it seemed a nice idea to me after all we have a lot to know about each other..
We were half lying on the bed. Manik sat taking the support of the bed and i lied taking his support , my head on his chest. Manik spoke rather hesitantly " um nandini, i wanted to ask you something.." he stopped and pulled me up, so that he can see my face , i nodded , he continued "don't take me wrong, but i just wanted to know, what do you think about making love, you know taking relationship to next level" i kept quiet, not knowing what to say.

Does he want to take our relationship to next level? Of course he should, after all we are married now, i can't deny him, in fact i shouldn't " he saw me lost in deep thoughts , so he spoke " nandini, sweetheart, listen , as long as i get to kiss you, touch you and have you close to me, like this, i don't want anything else, i was just trying to know your opinion. If you are not comfortable with it, we wont speak about it, but please don't take stress" his words , visibly relaxed me but he is right, we must talk about it. I smiled and this seemed to relax him, i spoke " manik, i don't believe in utopian idea of love, you know where couple in love get married and live happily ever after, clichd one. What i mean to say is , yes we love each other,but sirf pyar se zindagi ni chalti na manik?? That's why i want to give ourselves some time, to be sure of each other, because we just know each other from hardly 20-25 days, hai na? Now when we will live together, get to know each other more, then if we are sure, that we will last forever, then we can mark each other. What do you think about this" i spoke in a flow, but he listened very carefully, when i was half way through, he had an awe expression. When i finished , he composed himself and spoke " you know nandini , when i talked to you first time on my birthday , i knew it that you are very thoughtful and mature, i had liked that about you . and now when you voiced your opinion, i was like this girl has such deep thoughts!!' you never seize to amaze me and i totally agree with you, its not like , i m not sure about you, but i would like to give ourselves time, i m in no hurry"
I love him and i spoke "I LOVE YOU" looking straight into his eyes. He smiled "I LOVE YOU more" i snuggled into him " manik lets sleep now" he replied quickly "yeah " and slid down to lie on the bed with me in his arms. He spoke again "nandini , tumhe yaad hai na , mom ne bola hai ki kal everyone is going to start their day late, so please sleep properly , without any stress ok?" i nodded as i was drowsy now. He kissed my hair and i fell into deep slumber instantly.

Manan FF- Arranged marriage (✔)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें