Chapter 16

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As everyone was having their dinner fab 4 , navya, abhi, started distributing invites for the sangeet ceremony. It was a fab5 style sangeet ceremony. Everyone got curious because they already knew about the sangeet but why these special invites.

Cabir: ok ok everybody i know u all are wondering why these cards and let me clear the air..well this is not any normal sangeet ceremony very clear on that. Rest i won't disclose now . come and watch it for yourself. Tomorrow evening sharp at 9 in the hall adjacent to this. And yeah no one is allowed entry in the hall till the show begins.good bye and good night.
With this , the hall buzzed with speculations as to what gonna happen tomorrow in the sangeet. Fab 4 and navya left the hall after that. Manik came to nandini with two plates of food and sat beside her.

Manik: nandini have your food baby, here take it.

Nandini: i was waiting for you!

Manik smiled and they started eating and continued talking.

Nandini: manik, what is up with fab4 and this sangeet ceremony??

Manik: for the first time nandini, i have no idea , what is up with them, they have completely shut me out, u know in last 15 days we have not even sat together and chatted for a while...

Nandini: hmmm ok ..relax ..after everything is settled ..i will make sure that fab 5 gets enough time to catch up.
Manik: well in that case i wonder if after marriage i will be willing to leave your side even for a least for a couple of months..

Nandini: manik...

Manik: what manik!! I m a love deprived puppy, look at my face , see...i am speaking the truth. You know once i am married i am sure my wife will love me and make love to me...for a few months..only then i will be fine..

Nandini: ohoo is that the case? Means your would be wife doesn't love you now?

Manik: i don't know..i think i m not good enough for her right now

Nandini : manik you know ..that is not the case..(eyes moistened)

Manik: hey relax sweetheart ..i was just playing around..i didn't intend to make you sad..acha ok..come i will take you to your room, you must rest now, most of the guests are gone..come...

He forwarded his hand , she took it smiling. They walked up to their family who were talking standing together. They saw the couple coming towards them and admired how good they are looking together.

Manik: maa (looked both the ladies one by one) if you people don't mind can i accompany nandini to her room, she is a little tired?

Sheetal: of course beta u can, now u two are couple officially, now u don't need to take permission for these small gestures.( she patted his cheek softly and lovingly)

Nandini: maa papa..good night, i will see u in the morning.

Neyonika and maan: (overwhelmed) wow that feels awesome from your mouth good night beta!!

They hugged her.

Nandini: goodnight amma appa, where is abhi bhai and rishabh?

Alok: well they left a while ago, saying they had some important work.

Nandini: ok!

Manik: ok good night everyone
Rest in unison: good night beta

Nandini's room on the door:

Manik: ok ma'm your escort service has landed you safely to your room, so good night.

Manik started to leave. Nandini looked here and there in the passage and then held manik's wrist and pulled him in closing the door behind him. Before manik could understand anything he found himself pinned against the wall.

Manan FF- Arranged marriage (✔)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें