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The story will be continued if we will get a good response on this Glimpse! It's your choice whether you want the story to be continued or not! The ball is in your court now!
"wow this is better than i thought!" Dhruv commented while they were exploring the place.

"yeah the ambience is so royal!" alia spoke.

"royal toh hoga hi Jhansi ki rani ki jo wedding hai" cabir chipped in , in his usual i-am-born-to-tease way.

"cabir for once tu kuch different try kar...bore ho gye hain hum sab" mukti gave him tu-badal-jaa wala look and cabir looks thoughtful for a minute and his face falls. Mukti panics thinking her words got into his head, rest of them didn't notice as they are walking ahead.

"naah mujhse ni hoga!" cabir declares putting his arms round her shoulder and with the mischievous spark in his eyes. Mukti breathes a sigh of relief and then rolls her eyes , cabir grins "tumlogo mein se kisi ko agar ek din bina tease kiye nikal dun toh mujhe indigestion ho jaega!" he says and mukti scrunches her nose in disgust.

Cabir laughs out loud attracting the attention of others.

"what's so funny?" manik asks.

"your sister is funny" cabir remarks and gets a punch in his gut from mukti.

"hey my wife is not funny, she is scary" abhi quips and runs for his life as mukti takes off after him.

"listen dude...correction needed...wo abhi tak teri wife bani ni haiiiiiii" cabir shouts after them.

"whatever!!" abhi shouts back , then increases his speed as mukti misses him by just an inch. Suddenly abhi sees families on the other side of the passage and he haults abruptly, making mukti crash into him. He holds her in time and saves her from falling. Their eyes meet and fireworks happen, but abhi recovers in time before anyone sees them and pulls her to a side away from passerbys' eyes.

Suddenly mukti remembers his words and starts hitting him softly "main scary hun?? Haan tell me, i am scary?? Toh q shadi kar rahe ho mujhse!" she is blabbering all the time and abhi doesn't protest, he has a smile on his face. Mukti stops hitting him, when there is no resistance from his side. When she looks at him , he is staring intently at her, she blushes automatically.

"what ? aise kya dekh rahe ho??" she asks.

"you know you are scary..." he starts and when he sees that she is going to protest, he keeps a finger on her lips, effectively haulting her. "you are scary, you know why?? because i am always scared to lose you. I am scared that i will hurt you. I am scared that may be i am not good enough for you...." he wants to say more but this time she puts a finger on his lips, silencing him. And without removing her finger, she tiptoes and kisses him over her finger. Her tender gesture, brings tears in his eyes.

"i love you mukti. Please never leave me alone" he pleads and a lump forms in mukti's throat as she tries to control her emotions. Right after harshad's incident, no one had ever made her feel so wanted, so much loved. How can she make him believe that she loves him more than he loves her?? That her need for him was greater than his need for her?? Probably , in future she will get opportunity to show her love.

"Mr. Abhimanyu Murthy in 3 days time , i will be tied to you for lifetime and even after that, like vikram- betal , and you will have to bear with me...here i am thinking you will run for the hills rather than bearing my tantrums and here you are pleading me not to leave you!! How ironical!!" she says to lighten the atmosphere as emotional talk is not her forte. He smiles on her words.

"we will see who runs for the hills Ms. Malhotra. Ooops !! or should i say would be Mrs. Murthy!" he says playfully and she smiles and blushes at the same time.

"abey ye mukti aur abhimanyu kaha gayab ho gye??" cabir enquires and this is heard by mukti and abhimanyu.

"might be romancing somewhere!" Dhruv says.

"shut up you two! They must have gone downstairs..." as he is saying this his phone starts ringing displaying a reminder "nandini ki medicines ka time ho gya..i will go and check" he says and leaves from there, and others too disperse. Mukti and abhimanyu release the breath that they had been holding till now.
Manini will start writing the chapters when she will get a good response!


Manan FF- Arranged marriage (✔)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें