Scene 6

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"so guys order whatever you like...treat is on me" nandini announced and rest of them nodded smiling and got busy with the menu.

Nandini had taken her colleagues and juniors for an afternoon brunch as they had successfully completed a very prestigious project. Moreover the news of her pregnancy had also to be celebrated with them. It was two celebrations together. The group sitting in the restraunt had 5 boys and 8 girls and nandini. They ordered the food, except nandini. She already had her home-cooked lunch owing to the strict guidelines of her MIL and husband, who were not prepared to take a single chance with her health. The thought brought a smile on her face.

Soon, the food arrived and they began eating amidst a lot of chitchats.

"hey nandini, isn't that Mr. MALHOTRA??" one of her juniors whispered over the table to nandini.

Nandini turned to look in the direction of her fingers and so did the rest, and truly, manik was there sitting opposite to soha. They were discussing something.

Nandini's heart sank thinking about the various reasons for which they might be meeting. But the sane part of her brain tried to show her the light of reason by saying that it must be a business meeting.

he loves you damn it! How can you doubt him!! mind prompted.

yeah of course but what about his needs? He is a man. He has needs and due to your bloated tummy and mood swings he is not getting that!! So he might be...heart countered.

no no...this can't be!! nandini shouted in her head.

"hmmm looks like he is in a meeting" nandini managed to say impassively turning back to the table, with a smile. She cannot create a scene here

"let's do one thing, why don't you call him and put the phone on speaker, and ask him what he is doing? Let's see if he is will be so much fun!" spoke one of the juniors earning glares from everyone. Her friend sitting beside her, nudged her to behave and spoke in hissing tone which was, unfortunately, audible to nandini "rimi, have you gone mad, have you forgotten that she is our senior, daughter of our employer". Rimi, suddenly realised her fault. But for nandini it was too late. If she let the topic drop, it will give rise to negative whispers in the office and if she calls manik and he no nandini you have to trust him!

"i will call him" nandini announced with a smile and others looked at her in appreciation while relief flushed through rimi. Fishing out her phone from her purse, nandini dialled manik's number with a constant chant in her mind 'manik please don't let me down'. Rest of them had their eyes on manik. they saw him taking out his phone from his pocket.

"hey baby" came manik's seductive voice over the speaker which made nandini go red while others were like aww.

"hi" nandini breathed which was quite unusual for her during office hours and manik caught that instantly.

"hey" he spoke softly "what's the matter ? you sound distracted ? tum theek ho??" he was getting worried and nandini didn't want any more personal talks to come up, so she quickly came to the point.

"no...its nothing like that. I am fine. I just wanted to know where are you?" she tried to sound casual and she heard his sigh of relief.

"i am at bistro, the restraunt near your office, have a meeting here. If you want i can come and see you after 15 minutes"

Relief flushed through nandini like first rain.

"oh you are at bistro...i am here too" she said calmly. And she took the phone out of speaker mode and put it to her ear.

Manan FF- Arranged marriage (✔)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें