Chapter 10

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Time started passing swiftly but manik made sure that he met nandini everyday even if that was just for a few minutes!! Nandini was liking it all. To be treated with so much respect and care, is every girl's dream. Marriage preparations were on full swing and shopping expeditions had started. The worst effected was nandini, as she had to accompany everyone be it her own mother or her would be mother-in-law. Neyonika took her to her personal designer informing nandini that Neeta narula will be her personal designer too and so nandini informed Neeta about her taste and choices accordingly nandini's outfit for the ceremonies as well as dresses for her married life will be made. Neeta is a renowned designer in the film industry and fav among celebs , malhotras were her special client. She had designed dresses for neyonika and mukti and now after looking nandini , she complemented neyonika saying that " nandini is another gem added to the malhotra crown, she definitely carries a stature to be called a MALHOTRA and knowing manik personally I can say they make a gorgeous couple" neyonika felt proud on hearing the compliments wherever she went with nandini. Cloth was done, footwear designing was done, jewellery was done. Hah finally! Neyonika breathed a sigh of relief.
In between these shopping expeditions manik took nandini on a date , as promised on Sunday.

Nandini wore a little red dress which hugged her body on right places bringing out her slim and sexy figure. To top it all red was manik's fav colour. She wanted to surprise manik as he had always seen her dressing elegantly but never sexily.
Today she had dressed to seduce. She tied her hair in a messy bun with loose strands falling on her face and the nape of her neck.
A little eye-makeup to keep the focus on her red lipstick laced glossy lips, in the name of jewellery just a diamond stud in the ears and red heels.

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

When manic saw  her for the first time while she was coming towards him , he forgot to breathe for a while

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

When manic saw her for the first time while she was coming towards him , he forgot to breathe for a while. He was literally checking her out . after roaming all over her body for a while, his eyes stopped at her red full lips and a strange desire overpowered him , he wanted to kiss her then and there but his sane mind commanded him to control himself. Amidst his wild thoughts nandini reached near him and clicked her fingers in front of his eyes to bring him back from his thoughts . manic straightened himself and greeted her then he gave her the bouquet of red roses saying " this one for u beautiful lady" as nandini took the bouquet from him smiling wholeheartedly he said something which even he could not believe that he said that. He complimented nandini " u r looking hot and sexy" (imagine the way in which manic had complimented nandini in the show when she had wore that short dress during the campaign #ItsNotUsItsU) nandini blushed instantly as she had dressed up to hear this comment from him and she was successful. She replied "even u r looking no less Mr Malhotra (winked) and I guess we are unintentionally colour-coordinated" at that moment he noticed that the black suit he was wearing had a red piping, and he smiled and said "hamari choices kitni milti hain , ni?" to distract him she said "is the date here in your car?" he understood her sarcasm but before he could speak she said " I don't mind if it's in the car or a small hut or on the road itself, because as long as you are with me ,anything else doesn't matter" he was dazed by her pure confession but he composed himself and opened the passenger's side door for her smiling "shall we?" and she happily sat in slightly brushing her palm with his and an electric current passed through both of them but manic ignored that and came to driver's side and started driving .it was silence in the car. Manic spoke " umm nandini?? Music??" nandini replied "no I like the silence plzz" again silence prevailed. Manic looked at her, she was looking outside, enjoying the drive. Her right hand was on her exposed thighs. Manic moved his left hand held her right hand , nandini looked at him surprised, so he said " You are on a date with me, not the roads and the trees, so u should focus on me" she laughed on his cuteness. He asked her the reason for her laugh. Nandini replied "manic u r jealous of the roads and trees? Seriously?" and she again started
laughing. Manik was lost in her laugh suddenly nandini screamed "manikkk watch it" but before he could react she steered the wheel and they were saved from colliding with a truck. Manik had panicked hearing her scream but he composed himself immediately and focussed on the road. Nandini relaxed herself and seeing his dull face tried to cheer him up by saying "that was close but I guess from next time we will have to keep a chauffeur as both of us seem to lose self control when we are together" while saying this nandini placed her hand on manik's hand which was on the gear assuringly and it worked, he smiled finally coming out of his guilt mode. Manik drove holding her hand and she realised the date and manic were turning out to be exactly like she had expected all her life. She felt happy and content. Manik was too feeling the same. Soon manic drove into the driveway of one of his luxurious hotel. He didn't stop near the main entrance instead he went a little ahead and stopped near a small entrance. Nandini was perplexed but she didn't question him. A valet came running seeing manik's car , manic handed him the car keys and manic asked him "everything is ready?" valet nodded " yes sir" Manik then walked on nandini's side and opened the door and forwarded his hand to her. She held it and came out. Manik left her hand to hold her waist and pulled her closer to him. Nandini smiled and then Manik moved forward with her.

Manan FF- Arranged marriage (✔)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें