~ Scene 13~

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" hello neyonika!! Please take a seat Manik , Nandini" dr Anjana greeted.

Trio smiled at her.

" So Nandini how are you doing??" She asked further.

" I am good dr Anjana...All thanks to you" Nandini replied warmly.

" Anjana today is her date for first ultrasound" neyonika stated and Anjana gave a cursory glance to nandini's medical file.

" Hmmm the sonography..First trimester is over. Come let's do it" dr Anjana got up and her assistant gestured Nandini to follow. 

" Can we see too?" Manik asked the nurse.

" Sure"

As the machine moved over nandini's belly, some grainy image formed on the monitor. Dr Anjana took a close look at the image and spoke " neyonika you are going to be the grand mother of two babies" 
This information took few seconds for them to get processed as it was totally unexpected. First reaction of neyonika was of contentment but for Manik and Nandini it was a shock.

Twins!! Should I be happy or should I be worried? Two kids at the same time to handle! Oh god how will I manage!!

Nandini's thoughts were on these lines. She looked at Manik for his reaction. If he is ok with it or not? But his expression was equally bland as he tried to wrap his head around this news. And like the businessman that he is, he tried to evaluate the pros and cons of the news.

Two babies means double responsibility! But it also means that he and Nandini won't have to plan another baby. Instead of facing problems for two times, they will be sorted in just once!

Like that he had several arguments in his head and then finally came to the conclusion it is a good news! 

All of this mental process took just few seconds and he was distracted by the voice of dr Anjana who located the two foetuses for them to see." You will give us the picture , right?" Manik asked with a paternal warmth.

Nandini was relieved to hear his hopeful voice.

" Of course !" Dr Anjana smiled. 
" You have twins in there, that's why your tummy is unusually big for first trimester, beta" neyonika spoke gleefully, almost like a child. Neyonika was in a jubilant mood all the way to home, speaking about her plans for the babies. Nandini and Manik were soon reflecting her happiness.

" Maan you won't believe what I have to say!" Neyonika spoke over the phone.

" Really ? What is it?" Maan asked distracted as he was signing some papers in his office.

" You are going to be the grandfather of twins!!" Neyonika squeaked in delight while  MaNan were happy seeing her excitement. Maan was surprised too.

" Neyo are you serious?? This is such a good news!! God bless my children! We need to celebrate!! Let's plan a party for our near and dear ones and officially announce the news! It will be double joy for all of us!!"

" You are right Maan!! I will get on with it right away!" 
The next few days were chaotic with the party and then the preparations for manik's trip. Mukti and Abhimanyu were already planning for their honeymoon , so they made slight changes to merge with the tour. Navya would accompany cabir making it their second honeymoon. All in all everything was set and now the time for leaving was near.

" I will miss you" Manik whispered to Nandini after breaking the kiss and holding her close to his chest.

" Me too" she whispered back and kissed his chest " I know you will take care of others but please take care of yourself too, okay? I won't be there to look after you." She spoke caressing his cheek.

Manan FF- Arranged marriage (✔)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें