Chapter 22

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Nandini's pov

Marriage had never seemed such a beautiful idea. It is now that i m living it, i feel every girl should go through this phase...but of course , only if you get a husband like my husband, Manik. And as if he heard me taking his name in my heart, he looks towards me from a distance as he is talking to some investors and clients with papa. And what I am doing ? well I am entertaining the female counterparts of those investors with maa. I smile back assuringly. I hate parties, but alas i have to be a party animal now, side effects of being a Malhotra. My phone beeped. And who else, its a text from my dear husband, he notices everything, eagle eyes.

Manik: not enjoying the party , wifey??
I look in his direction. To my amazement he seems to be engrossed in the conversation going on among the men.

I text back " no , its nothing like that" . i lied because I don't want to distress him.


Again a message from him. How is he managing to chat amidst the conversation? This boy, he is something , i must say.
"don't lie, i can read your face"

I text back "you didn't tell me , you are a face reader too..:-D"

This time i looked in his direction to see how is he texting me?

I saw him looking down on his lap for just a few seconds.


Wow he types fast!!

"that's the advantage of arranged marriage, you will slowly get to know more about me..:-)"


"i have many qualities, would you like to see one of them TONIGHT?..:-)"

This boy, he has highlighted tonight' deliberately. Aiyappa!! What to reply now??


"I love it when you blush and I am the reason..:*"

He is not allowing me to reply.



God again!! Let me type atleast !! (she is talking to her herself)

Manik's text read " you look cute when you are your aiyappa , right?"

I looked in his direction, to know how he is getting so much time to text.
I should have known the answer , he is standing with his friends now.

Just then mukti appeared behind me with aliya.

Mukti: mom, can i take nandini with me?

Neyo: yeah sure beta...

I looked at my mother-in-law for her final approval, she smiled, that means a go-ahead and i smiled gratefully at mukti and aliya.

Mukti: so wanna thank me for saving from the torcher?

Nan: yeah i guess so..thank you!! (i said cheerfully)

We reached , where manik and others were standing. Manik came forward and took my hand and made me stand beside him. We were talking and enjoying , when a man in his late 50's approached us. Fab 5 greeted him, while me and navya stood clueless.

Manik did the honours of introducing me.

Manik: Mr. Khurana, meet my beautiful wife Nandini.( manik turned to me) and nandini , he is mr khurana, the producer of our next album.

I shook hands with him, but what he said next, just changed the environment.

Mr. Khurana: so nandini , how does it feel to be the wife of the most eligible bachelor , the heir of the richest man of asia and the 7th richest of world?
Although he tried it to be offensive, it somehow amused me, like he is not talking of a human being but a bank. I thought it was funny but the people around me had grim expressions and i could feel manik's body tensed up against me to react. But before he could speak, i spoke to let manik know that i can speak for myself. I am not weak and emotional. Cabir held manik's shoulder while I started speaking in a sarcastic tone,

Manan FF- Arranged marriage (✔)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें