Scene 5

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I thought the best way to wish you was by giving an update.
So here you go...

Third month

“here..take this” neyonika forwarded a plate towards nandini which had pomegranate in it. Nandini took it willingly and started eating it.

“i could have given you its juice but then its essence would have been lost” neyo explained sitting beside nandini on the couch. Nandini smiled and nodded.

“so how do you feel?” neyo asked looking intently.

“when you are can i not feel good maa” nandini replied emotionally.

“nandini do you want to stay at your mom’s place till your pregnancy...look...i am a woman and i understand a woman needs her mother during this time...i know you will be more comfortable with her and i don’t mind...because the only thing that i want is a healthy baby...and i am willing to do anything for that” neyo finished while caressing nandini’s hair.

“ are my mother too...please don’t think otherwise...i am very happy and comfortable here.

Moreover in less than 10 days mukti will also be leaving the house...i can’t be so selfish to leave you alone” nandini explained taking neyo’s palm in hers. Neyo smiled warmly and she got emotional seeing nandini’s love for her and also the thought that mukti would be leaving soon.

“what’s up beautiful ladies!” manik exclaimed entering the living space.

Both the ladies blinked away their tears and smiled brightly at him.

“how was office beta?? And where is your dad??” neyo asked.

“office was good mom...” manik said plopping on the couch opposite to nandini’s. He eyed her from top to bottom, which made nandini go all red. She bit her lips and started looking here and there. Meanwhile neyonika didn’t notice as she was pouring water in a glass for manik.

“and yeah...about dad...well his daughter has taken him for a ride in her have some father daughter time” he spoke now looking at neyo.

Neyo smiled at the mention of mukti and gave water to manik. she sat down beside him, while nandini kept munching on the pomegranate.

“you two were in a deep discussion when i came...can i know the topic??” manik asked.

Both the ladies looked at each other for a brief moment, before nandini spoke

“tomorrow we are going to collect the bridal attires of mukti, so we were discussing if anything is left to be done”

“o” was what manik said. “tomorrow is Saturday so its my day off too...i will accompany you guys” he informed looking at his mother.

Next morning

Nandini was wearing her clothes standing in front of the mirror in the closet. Manik walked in without a knock and stood at the door gawking at her. Nandini was flushed, she thanked heaven that atleast she had put on her lingerie.

He was saying nothing, so nandini regained her composure and asked “why are you staring??” her voice came out much huskier than she had expected. Moreover his non stop gaze was making her self conscious.

“you have no idea how you are making me feel right now, hai na?” he asked strolling forward. Her body reaction was almost immediate to his words. Desires started flaming up. She took a deep breath to calm her raging hormones.

He took her palm and placed it on his manhood. She could feel his hardness. She felt shy and battled her eyelashes a few times at him, inhaling sharply.

“can you feel that..? see how difficult it is to control myself around you” he said while she pulled her hands away “manik” she breathed, turning away from him to face the mirror.

“you have grown a little plump...and your belly..our baby is growing” he whispered taking her in a back hug.

our baby is growing” he whispered taking her in a back hug

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

“you want to say...i am looking fat” she said with a hurt look on her face.

“no...i said you are looking very desirable...very delicious” he said licking his upper lip, and that sent tingles down her spine.

He put his palm flat on her little grown tummy and asked “ i am know if you can feel the baby?”

“no” she giggled “not yet” she kept her palm on top of his over her belly. He smiled and angling her face with his hand, kissed her from back.
Mukti, alia, navya, nandini, neyonika, manik, abhi together entered the plush boutique of neeta narula. She welcomed them and put on display the attires of mukti. The girls squeaked in excitement. Mukti then went to the trial room, putting on the dresses one by one and checking their fitting.

Nandini was growing uncomfortable with each passing minute. The smell of the freshly manufactured cloths was filling her nostrils making her nauseous. She took deep breaths to calm the sensation, but at last she had to give up and she ran to manik.

“manik please i need to use the washroom...where is it??” she asked impatiently.

Manik got worried seeing her pale face “ kya hua? Tum theek ho??” he asked fervently.

“manik where is the god damn washroom...i want to puke!” she hissed and he recovered, quickly taking her to the washroom, she had cupped her mouth by then. As soon as she reached the sink, she threw up, all of the food and drinks that she had since morning where now flowing down the sink. He held her hair and rubbed her back till the time her retching continued. Neyo entered the washroom with a bottle of water. She calmly handed it to nandini. Nandini rinsed her mouth with it and then took a few sips.

“manik, beta relax...she is fine. Right nandini?” neyo asked patting nandini’s arm. She nodded and smiled at manik. he visibly relaxed and sighed heavily.

Outside everyone else was pacing to and fro. Manik came out followed my nandini and neyo.

“what are you guys doing here?? Dresses fit ho gye??” he asked to change the atmosphere. Hearing his calm tone, they relaxed and started chit chatting. After a while, when all the selection was done, manik asked neyo to take nandini home. Nandini , reluctantly agreed and they drove off, while the rest of them went for their pre- planned brunch.
Guys the writer ManiniMehra us thinking to end this story as you people are not liking it and finding it boring! The response is so low!
The choice is yours now!

Manan FF- Arranged marriage (✔)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें