Chapter 49

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Hello guys!!

New update after the story being on hold?

Ohhk so! Manini gave this update surprisingly so now i am surprising all of you! :)


But seriously don't know next update kab aaega!!

So tab tak Enjoy Reading :)

Next day- Morning

Manik was the first to open his eyes after the blissful experience of last night. He stretched and flexed his muscles to ward off the slumber. He moved a little, eyes still closed. He wanted to see her, the first thing in the morning. After making sure that she is there, he opened his eyes and saw her sleeping on her stomach, facing away from him. A smile broke on his face watching her cute, innocent and serene face. Her back was fully exposed to him. She hadn't dressed up like other times, as she had been very tired. And with that manik's chain of thought went back to last night, their love-making. He bent forward and kissed on her back, his lips lingering there for a while.

 He bent forward and kissed on her back, his lips lingering there for a while

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

(Imagine him kissing on back instead of hair)

Nandini groaned, snuggling more into the sheet and complained in her sleepy voice, "manik...sone do na"

Manik smiled and got up from the bed, while nandini pulled the sheet over her head, veiling herself from the rays of sunlight. He put on his clothes and then adjusted the curtains and then went away to freshen up.

After a while

Nandini rolled on her side towards the other edge of the bed, hoping to find manik. She opened her eyes on not finding him and got up lazily , holding the covers close to her chest and sat taking the support of the bedhead. She was relaxing and reminiscing about last night, just then the door flung open and a shirtless manik walked in.

Nandini shrieked, "manik!!"

He looked at her startled, "what?? Why are you shouting?"

"go out i need to freshen up!" she said.

Manik gave her a what look and sat down beside her on the bed, "madam, you are talking like some stranger has walked in! Let me remind you...i have seen what is hidden behind that sheet!" he said flapping his palm across the length of her body.

"manik you are so shameless!" nandini remarked and he smirked, "and i would suggest you too, drop this business of shame" he said and raised his hand towards the sheet to pull it off. nandini covered herself more with the sheet and got up from the bed giving a horrified look to him and rushed towards the washroom.. He laughed like a maniac watching her reaction.

Nandini had chosen a semi-indian look for the appearance at the ball. Since it was going to be an international event, she wanted to make a statement through her choice of outfit that she believed in the superiority of her culture.

Manan FF- Arranged marriage (✔)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें