Chapter 54

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2 months later

The whole hall was a buzz due to the presence of media. Cameramen were busy setting up their equipments and the reporters were going through the questionnaire , with which they were thinking to grill FAB5, today.

The press conference was organised to release the latest album of FAB5. Mr. Khurana had already reached the venue and now the presence of FAB5 was awaited.

10 minutes later whispers ran through the hall and pin drop silence prevailed. The reason for this can be understood from the following instance-

FAB5 are infamous for their rude behaviour. One misbehaviour from the people around them and they would just leave from the event, without caring for their image or producer's money. The first time this had happened, the media people were exhilarant thinking that they got a very big news and the news channels and papers were flooded with the same. FAB5, interestingly, released a video on their SNS accounts and explained the reasons for their behaviour, earning fan support. As a result of this the media houses had to suffer public rage, realising much to their benefit that its dangerous to mess with the FAB5.

As silence prevailed, manik made his entry, flanked by Dhruv and mukti, who were in turn flanked by alia and cabir.


There was a special reason for this positioning also. Fab 5 always makes their entry in this way only. This was because, to give an idea of the structure of the base on which the building of their friendship and band was erected.

Manik, the leader.
Dhruv ,the right hand man of manik.
Mukti, the closest member to manik.
Cabir, the protector.
Alia, the support.

All of them are held together by the string called manik. String breaks , structure dismantled.

Manik slowly and casually , walked to the stage , followed by fab 4 and stood beside mr. Khurana. Camera's kept clicking. The anchor announced that first the album will be released then the question answer round would start.

The signed copy by fab 5 of the album was released, then the audio visual of one of the song was displayed on the projector screen.

Now, the chairs were arranged and fab 5 and mr.khurana sat down comfortably. Once manik signalled to the anchor to continue, the anchor informed the media men that they can begin now. As was the custom, from fab 5 sides, the mike was handed to Dhruv. The reason behind this is that Dhruv is like a media manager, cool-headed, clever answerer, a balance of the character of manik and cabir is found in him.

"and the show begins" cabir whispered naughtily to mukti and she smirked.

Question 1: first of all congrats on your new album release. We wish it a grand success. How does it feel to achieve so much in such a young age??

Reply by Dhruv: (chuckles)well thank you for the wishes. And yeah of course it feels good. This is our 10th album in last 10 years. I guess the reason for our success is that we started at a very young age. We were just 15 when our first teen album was released. Although we got recognition with our 5th album and ever since then, we haven't looked back. So yeah it has been a pretty good journey till here, we are just hoping that this album too gets the same love as our last.

Question 2: As you said you started quite early, so how tough is it to manage with a ever changing scenarios in the world music?

Reply by Dhruv : hmmm, i understand what you are trying to say, but i would also like to say that we are just not a ROCK band, we are good in METTALICS too, we can pull off CLASSICAL as well. "points toward cabir) here you see him? He might portray himself as a careless easy going drummer, but trust me you can't find a percussionist as good as him. Give him any percussion instrument and 10 days , he will be present in front of you as its expert.

Manan FF- Arranged marriage (✔)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें