Chapter 8

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Nandani kept looking at her phone in the office. She did not want to miss Manik's call again, but he did not call. At 2 p.m. nandini had an appointment with someone from Malhotra's to show her the blue print of the resort and explain the basics. At 2 exactly, nandini received a call from the reception

Rec: ma'm Mr. Malhotra is here to see u regarding some project. Shall I send him in?

Nan: bring him in and I want u to make sure that malhotra's should not wait from next time. They don't need appointment to meet me. Am I clear?

Rec: yes ma'm

Nan: now send him in , quick.

Nandini was so happy that manik was here to meet her. Even if he had not called , he made sure to make it up for her. Despite being so busy , he took time out for her, this proves he cares and also that she is really lucky to have him. She fixed her dress properly and ran her hand in her hair to make it perfect and went towards the door to welcome him . she heard a knock and she quickly opened it.

There stood manik looking ever so charming in formals. He had the looks which gals could die for. He smiled formally as he was accompanied by two other people and they were not aware of our relationship. I smiled back and welcomed them in the cabin and shook hands with them as I got the intro of the two other people, one was the manager of the resort and the other had made the blue print. The meeting started and they informed me every detail. Basically manik was quiet all the time and was just using the opportunity of checking me out , to the fullest. After half an hour they were ready to leave. I looked at manik disappointedly that I had no opportunity to talk to him. He sensed it and in fact I felt he was enjoying my state .

Manik: ok people as you are done, you push ahead, go and submit the details and report of the meeting to my secretary, I have some work with ms. Murthy , I will come later.

He gave me a notorious smile and the others left. Now only me and manik were left in my cabin. We moved to the sofa and i sat beside manik . whenever he is around i feel nervous, but y? These butterflies in my stomach keep dancing till the time he is near me. He was looking at me waiting that i would say something but i was busy controlling the emotions and the raging harmones. I felt a strong desire to touch him , to know how it feels. The mole above his lips keeps distracting me. "Uhhh !! control nandini control!!" I commanded myself.

Manik: so are u pissed at me that I didn't called you ?

Nan: no of course not, i can understand u must be busy. But what made u think so?

Manik: because u were not speaking anything. Ok so if u r free can we go for lunch , i m very hungry.

Nan: i wanted to go but what about the media and ur fans? If someone spots us together then?

Manik: hmmm! You are right. Sometimes it such a pain to be a celebrity. But i am really hungry. Wat do we do? U had ur lunch?

Nan:u r looking at the drawbacks of being a celebrity, look at the positives too. U have the prayers and wishes of so many people, isn't it great? And by the way, i am also hungry. I will do one thing , i will order from canteen and we will eat here together. Wat say?

Manik: that sounds good.

Nandini ordered a peon to bring lunch from canteen and then she told the secretary to cancel her meetings for today. Till then lunch came and they started eating.

Nan: umm! manik tell me one thing, ur p.a. was to attend the meeting with me. How come u r here?

Manik: actually when i came back from the meeting for fab 5 concert, my p.a. informed me that he is coming here. How could i miss an opportunity to be with u, so i told him, i will go and handed him some other work. ( he winked at her, she blushed)

Manan FF- Arranged marriage (✔)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें