Chapter 12

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The week after the date passed swiftly. FAB 5 were free for the time being from music side of business, so it helped them in preparing for the different events of the marriage ceremony. FAB 5 navya and abhi except manik and nandini were busy in this day and night. There was love blossoming in the barren lives of Abhi and Mukti, though quietly.

No one in the group had any idea about them. This started with stealing glances and then moved forward to small chats , which turned into long conversations. All this happened in the matter of 10 days of knowing each other. Mukti was still sceptical because of her past. She had not opened up to abhi about her insecurities. Abhi on the other hand had developed a soft corner for her. As much as he had talked with her or known her , he felt that he could spend his life with her. But he did not want to rush. He thought ,first , he will have to build a relationship with her, of trust and commitment , because he found that mukti was a little commitment phobic, although he did not know the reason behind it.

All in all the preparations were going on full swing, with thora masti and lots of work. Phone calls were made to close relatives and long time friends. bride's side did not inform about the groom to their relatives and groom's side about the bride. This was done for privacy's sake. Everyone was asked to come and just see for themselves who the bride and groom is. It was decided that designer cards will be sent to rest of the people , a day before the reception ceremony. TANISHQ people were called to malhotra mansion with exquisite collection of wedding rings. Manik selected one , which was liked by malhotra's as well as fab 3. Murthy's too went to the TANISHQ show room and selected a ring for Manik, which was, of course, chosen by Nandini. Security agency which provided security to Malhotra's and fab 3, were asked for extra men , who were deployed in the wedding venue. By Sunday everything was set and done and now everyone was waiting for:

Tuesday : ring ceremony

Wednesday: sangeet at night

Thursday: haldi and mehendi

Friday: wedding in morning and reception at night.

The number of days were changed from 3 to 4 as the wedding planner had requested so that the events could be enjoyed properly. Tamilian wedding starts at 4 in the morning and after that Punjabi wedding . This would be done with till noon and they would have enough time to get ready for reception which would begin from 9 in the night.


After the date on Sunday, manik and nandini had opened up to each other and their bond had become stronger. On Monday, nandini applied for leave from next Monday for 15 days. After two days , her leave was accepted. She worked in her own company but she followed the rules of the company, to set an example before the employees. That was the reason why she was respected and looked up to by her employees.
Nandini had just returned from a site visit and was resting in her cabin as she was free for a while. Manik walked in the building and the receptionist smiled at him. By now everyone was habituated to his sudden appearance in the office. He directly walked towards her cabin as she had informed him that she was back and was free. He did not knock the door, but opening it slightly peeped in like thief. Thankfully all the employees around the cabin were off for lunch, so no one saw him peeping in like a thief. He saw she was sitting in her chair , head resting back and eyes closed. He tip-toed towards her, bent down and kissed her on her cheeks. Nandini was frightened, she jumped off her chair and bumped into manik. Manik secured her in his arms. Her eyes widened in shock and "shitt" escaped her mouth. manik was suppressing his smile watching her reaction. Registering that it was manik who kissed her, she regained her composure and said " manik!! Its you scared me." Manik couldn't control his smile more and said smiling " so you are scared of me?? " nandini saw him smirking. She tried to get out of his grip and said " i have discovered, u r a monster sometimes. First u scare the life out of me and then u r smiling, enjoying my state, MONSTER!!" and she hit him on his arms and manik laughed whole heartedly but didn't let go off her.. He said " u will see the real monster, once we get married ms. Murthy" nandini looked down blushing and said "manik" she said very softly and she got a " hmm " in return as he was busy removing the lock of hair from her shoulders and playing with the hair falling on her face. Nandini again said " manik...leave me na, koi ajaega" manik replied " koi ni aega, its lunch time, i know, so stop disturbing me" nandini huffed " tumhra kuch ni ho sakta h" manik replied promptly " arey ho sakta hai, bhut kuch ho sakta hai, bas tum ha toh karo" and he winked and blew air from his mouth so that hair falling on her forehead start dancing. Nandini just blushed and said nothing, letting him do whatever he wants and enjoying his closeness and proximity. She closed her eyes and he saw that, so he said in a husky voice near her ears " nandini, did u have your lunch?" and with that he moved back , releasing her from his grip and smiled. Nandini turned darkest shade of red, realising manik tricked her. She managed to say " no, not yet, lets eat together, amma has sent lunch" with this they sat to have lunch and after that manik left for his office.

Manan FF- Arranged marriage (✔)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें