Chapter 13

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Manik's paternal aunt and her husband arrived in the morning. Madhyam singhania was their only son. Maan was the single male child of his family and so is manik. In the same way nandini is the only girl child of murthy clan. This is the reason why , she is everyone's favourite child, even for her brothers. Now both the homes felt like there was a marriage as slowly ,slowly guests started filling up. Manik , as promised , went to meet nandini in her office. He entered her cabin unannounced, in order to surprise her, instead he was the one who got surprised and a little embarrassed too as alok and abhi were present there too, discussing something. Manik quickly blurted a "sorry" and in haste said " I would wait outside" as he was about to leave, alok stopped him and smilingly said "relax beta, u have come to meet her, so talk to her, we can discuss this later, right abhi?" abhi seconded him and they both left, giving the couple privacy. Manik locked the cabin door and turned to look at nandini with a sheepish look saying " I always end up in such awkward situations, god knows how!!" nandini chuckled and said "its ok manik, hota hai, relax" manik encircled his arms around her waist and "hmmm, so how r u doing today ma'm? All good?" nandini encircled her arms around his neck "well everything is perfect"

Manik: (serious) nandini u r losing weight , are you not having your meals properly??

Nandini: its good na, I m losing weight, I will look more presentable during the wedding

Manik: nandini, this is not funny, u look beautiful anyway, ok, so you don't need to lose weight.

Nandini: just beautiful?? This is the reason why I m losing weight,( she is not dieting or anything like that, its because of the marriage preparations that she is not having her meals properly, but in order to distract him she is saying all this)

Manik: (smiling now) sweetheart I don't need to tell you ,,that you are sexy , hot, ravishing...and you know ...I will tell you a secret...even by a look of yours, I get turned on!!

Nandini was shy now, she looked down, and of course he was telling the truth because she had herself felt "that" whenever their bodies touched. He lifted her face by holding her chin. She looked into his eyes. He was looking intensely at her .

Manik: nandini, u don't have any idea, what you do to me, not just physically , but emotionally as well, I m not good with words, so you will have to understand my unsaid emotions and thoughts too. Will you do that??

Nandini: I have started doing this long before manik, and I will continue doing it in future too.

Manik was very close to her face and was speaking softly but passionately. Now he was eyeing her lips and nandini happily gave in. He looked at her eyes again and she closed her eyes giving her approval. He placed his lips on hers, she parted her lips and he took her lower, full lips and started sucking it. She did the same with his upper lips. In between the sucking he bit her lip and nibbled it. She moaned in both pain and pleasure. He sucked the blood off her lips. Nandini started losing her balance, he sensed it, so he tightened his hold on her waist and without breaking the kiss, pushed her to the nearest wall. He left her lips for a fraction of a second to tilt his head for better access and she sucked in a lung full of air quickly for another breathless kiss. Now manik held her face in his palms and started sucking her lips again. She gripped his shirt near his waist tightly. She again ran out of breath and manik sensing that it has turned out to be long kiss left her lips and joined their foreheads without opening his eyes and they both took quick breaths calming their nerves. Nandini opened her eyes and saw manik was trying to control his raging hormones by clenching his jaws and taking sharp breaths. She moved her palms onto his cheeks and cupped it. Manik opened his eyes and his eyes were a little red because of the passionate kiss. She smiled, he smiled back. She then asked him for handkerchief, he gave her and she slowly cleaned the lipstick marks off his mouth. He was just admiring her, when she was done, he asked her to put on lipstick as bite marks were visible on her lips, and she obeyed . just then there was a knock on the door. Nandini after adjusting her dress opened the door, the driver had brought her lunch from home. She closed the door after taking the box and manik fed her carefully forcing her to overeat. After a lot of nagging , she finally gave in and ate till her stomach was more than full. Manik was happy like a kid when he was able to make her listen to him.
In this way another day ENDED.

Manan FF- Arranged marriage (✔)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें