Chapter 27

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Today i had seen manik off to office. It was his exam day. He had to convince the investors, through his presentation, any how. For the first time in my life, i had prayed to god with a wish. Wish , that my husband gets the project. Yes i had been selfish today.

Now i was sitting in my office, almost ready to leave for home. There was a knock on the door, i answered "come in" . a delivery boy came in, with a large bouquet of red roses "this is for u ma'm" i was shocked and surprised , who could it be?? First name that popped up in my mind was of course, manik...but...he must be busy. It can't be him...No, no, no...he can't be...
The delivery boy smiled and left. I picked the card. It read...
With love,

I was flying in the sky. What does this mean?? Did he get the project??????? Oh my god..o my god!!! I need to call him. I picked my phone. But i saw there was already a message from manik.

" jaan I got the project!!!
I can't tell you how happy i am!!
I know last few days have been very hard for you, so the red roses are my way of saying thank you to you..for bearing with me...for being there for me, when i needed ur love and support...always remember...I LOVE YOU..and this can never change."
I sat back on the chair, after reading his message. I needed a moment to believe that i have got the best husband in the world. I read the message again and again.

I need to make this achievement of his, special. I have to do something but what?? What??? Think nandini think...ummm..ok i got it...the best gift that i can give him is by submitting myself to him...yes!!!...although he has been very patient all these days and never made me feel that i am denying his rights on me...yet he is a man..i have to understand his needs and desires...i have to make the move..!!!. hmmm.. i love you too manik...and tonight is gonna be the best night...
I rang him up.


"hey, congrats you got the project hubby!! What did papa say? Was he happy?? Did he praise you?"

"did you like the roses??"

"of course, they are beautiful , but first answer me na..."

"ok baba...yes dad is very happy and he praised me and even the investors were clean bold by the presentation and all of this happened because you were there shining star.."
"wow i m so happy!! Don't include me in this.. Its all your hardwork...and.i knew it , that you are the best!!"

"i love you"
"manik, i love u is not enough...i want to make love to you"

"what!! I mean did i hear you correct??"

"i will be waiting for you in our bedroom. Please don't keep me waiting"

"i ..ermm, i ..don't know what to say...i mean..i m ..confused"

"just get your acts together before you enter our bedroom , tonight mr. Manik malhotra. Ok now, Bye, i m leaving for home ."

"ok bye mrs malhotra.." (chuckling)

I rang Alisha!

"hello, malhotra industries, how may i help you?"

"Alisha , its me nandini"

"yes ma'm"

"i want you to inform me when you see manik, leaving the office today"

" ma'm , sir has already left from here"

"how much time has it been?"

"ma'm approx 10 mins"

"ok, thanks"

"always, ma'm"

So it seems, you are more desperate than me, manik...i like it..

Door bell rang and i opened the door and i was right away taken into a bone crushing hug!!

Manan FF- Arranged marriage (✔)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें